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Lv 5
? fragte in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · vor 2 Monaten

Do you believe in Global Warming?

Is global warming really a true thing?

31 Antworten

  • vor 2 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    I live in the far north of Canada, and the evidence for it can be seen all around us fairly easily.  I know many Americans do not accept it because they cannot see it in the lower 48th, but come up here (after the Covid travel restrictions are lifted), and anyone can show you.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    Believe it or not, It actually used to get cold every morning from where I live. Sadly, mornings that we have now already feel like the highest temperature that we could experience in an instant and no one even gets to see any fog in our area anymore compared to the last few years. It gets even unbelievably hotter once summer comes, I notice it every year, so yeah, global warming...I believe in it 

  • vor 2 Monaten

    I believe it is due to the fact the earth is still coming out of the last ice age.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Monaten

    sure it is, but do you know what's not real? trump's presidency!


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  • vor 2 Monaten

    No dispute warming and cooling all the time.. The insanity comes from people who think change can only be bad and also think they are so powerful they can influence it.. Think about how govt runs things and if you want people like that fooling with the climate.. Not that they could do anything but the thought of idiots like that messing around is scary.. 

  • vor 2 Monaten

    Its the emergency that gov isn't talking or mandating rules about, so everybody can ignore it. 

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    The science is there. It is true. If we want to continue to have a planet we can live on, we all need to do our part. Use sustainable products. Lower your carbon footprint as much as possible. 

  • vor 2 Monaten

    Yes, look at all the species dying out and all the icebergs receding. In around 7.5 billion years the earth will be pulled into the sun. Seasons change, and the overall climate has been fluctuating since the beginning of earth's history. Recently the temperature of the earth has been exponentially rising, since the past few hundred years. It is an abnormal spike in the regular rise and fall of the planet's temperature. The presence of humans and the vast amounts of emissions released can be only be correlated to the rise in the earth's temperature, as there is really no other probable explanation for the sudden abnormal warming that scientists know of. The ozone layer is steadily repairing itself, after the reduction of ozone-depleting substances, such as mass consumerism and use of hairspray from the 1940's to 80's. This is one of many examples that proves that we can draw a line between humans as a factor and global warming as an outcome.Think of global warming as an army of ants. On their own, they are nearly harmless, but multiply the them by a few billion and they become admirable foe that can devour their prey within hours.

  • vor 2 Monaten

    Why not, It's a very dangerous threat to our earth.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    I don't believe in things.  I look at the evidence and try to draw conclusions about what is likely.  Catastrophic global warming is junk science and notice I didn't even equivocate. 

    As a blue nosed Brit, you believe whatever you are told to believe.   Learn a little skepticism.  

  • vor 2 Monaten

    No I'm against it.

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