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Can we sue Biden voters for the huge losses in the stock market?

The Dow is down over 700 points.  People with brains are realizing Biden's moves are total goofiness.

8 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    i dont think so

  • vor 2 Monaten

    Sure. Spend your money on lawyers instead of buying into the market at lower prices.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    Your rant is ridiculous.  

  • James
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    Hey it’s your fantasy.

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  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    Do you even play the stocks? If so, you obviously don't know how to play and you have no business playing. It is calculated risks but it's also gambling. It's very clear that you don't know the rules, strategy technique or history.

    The market has been overvalued for months and it's in a bubble now. Bubbles burst.  It's really not like property or a house. Stocks at any moment can go up down or sideways and the only ones with a real reliable future in it are the brokers. Pump and dump is a real thing that happens, along with insider trading which is very frequent. Play of the game is short selling. There's a lot of stock gurus pumping the stock and people shorting stocks is part of the game. The performance of the stock market has no place in determining whether not or a Presidency is doing well.  Otherwise, you might as well say the popularity of betting on a horse at the race tracks determines how good a President is.

    That's lunacy. It's also, lunacy that people depend their life savings on something so volatile and unpredictable. But it's better than depending on the lottery.

  • Rayal
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    Like the Tides the stock market goes up and down.

    If you invest you would know that.

    You can't sue anyone for losses unless you can prove fraud.

    But hey carry on with the Biden whining. It is all you got.

    Trump Year 2018:  The Nasdaq Composite lost 3.9 percent in 2018, its worst year in a decade, when it dropped 40 percent. The S&P 500 and Dow fell for the first time in three years, while the Nasdaq snapped a six-year winning streak. 2018 was a year fraught with volatility, characterized by record highs and sharp reversals.Dec 31, 2018

    US stocks post worst year in a decade as the S&P 500 falls ...

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    At present, it is down 681 points.

    That may be hard for your tiny brain to conceive, but 681 is not "over 700".

    And it is UP 2408 points since Biden was elected.

    People with brains understand that YOU are stupid.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    It's up by about 4000 since he was elected.

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