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Simon T fragte in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · vor 6 Monaten

Can CBS sue Trump or the White House for breach of contract because Trump released a recording of the 60 minutes interview?

My understanding is that the White House makes it's own recordings of interviews for archival purposes.  The news agency performing the interview have the broadcast rights.    So, if Trump releases the video before the 60 minutes broadcast - are they breaking any laws, and what action could CBS take, and against whom?

9 Antworten

  • vor 6 Monaten

    What contract would they be breaching? You can't be sued for breach of contract when there isn't a contract.

  • vor 6 Monaten

    They can sue, but YOU have no clue if there was a breach of contract, because YOU have no idea what the contract states.

    The video released IS NOT the CBS recording.

    The one thing ABSOLUTELY certain is no law addresses the issue.

  • vor 6 Monaten

    I don't think anyone can give you a definitive answer without reading the contract agreed upon.  

    Using your understanding, the video taken for archival purposes likely doesn't preclude making it public.  If Trump gave it to Fox News to air, CBS would have a law suit against Fox News, but not one against the White House.  If the White House put the interview on the White House website or YouTube (public domain) the White House would still not be liable.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Monaten

    60 minutes has rights to THEIR footage only.  

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  • vor 6 Monaten

    its just a all of his others they have no bearing on real life

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Monaten

    America needs more Lawyers.......lolol...

  • vor 6 Monaten

    America will sue the crap out of CBS, NBC, MSNBC - for lying to Americans for so long. One hour of research (not newspapers) will lead every American out of darkness. We the people vs. the media will be the next civil war. 

  • BB
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Monaten

    I don't know....I wasn't made privvy to any contract....don't even know if there is one.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    Is this what they're saying on CNN?

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