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So what does the real Pew climate poll show?
Deners posted one tiny element cherry picked, not hard to see why when you look at the real full poll.
Pews poll continues to show denial is shrinking and no amount a fake accounts vote this question down will change that. Even 39% of Republicans think climate change is happening the overall average is 67% of all Americans.
Oh dear, I seem to upset the troll (singular) as fairly obviously the 3 answers below are all the same guy, yawn
It’s also not hard to note that whatever account he uses he can’t or won’t address what the full Pew poll states, pretty standard denier tactic. With Einstein’s like this is it any wonder denial is dying.
3 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 Jahr
To the deniers here, it does not matter what the polls show. They want to live in their own little bubble and in order to accomplish that they have to lie about the real world. They are even using sock accounts to make themselves feel like they are in the majority.
Watch what happens with covid-19, the same deniers are claiming that covid-19 is overblown. While in the real world the experts are scrambling to find ways to mitigate the problems. If the experts do manage to significantly reduce the moralities and I am confident that they will, they will ignore all the evidence claim they were right. But letting people die to prove them wrong is NOT an option and they know that.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahr
Next time, post when you're sober. It'll stop the incoherent rambling.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahr
You didn't even both to read your own source. Pew shows that it's a low priority and continues to be low.
Pew Research polling found: "Dealing with global warming" ended up in second last place in 2007.
Between 2008 and 2013, it ranked last. Here’s what happened after that:
2014: second last
2015 second last
2016 third last (the first year Pew began calling it ‘global climate change’)
2017: second last
2018: second last
2019 second last
Moral of the story: There has never been any evidence that "climate change" is a top concern for most Americans. This is not a crowd-pleaser or a vote-getter.