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Lv 6
? fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahr

Isn't it more likely Trump will lose a second term and Republicans will lose the Senate because the majority of Americans hate Cons now?

Republicans have nothing to offer America, and have done nothing for Americans. It's all been about protecting a conman, obstructing the government and smearing witnesses.

Republicans have done nothing with the hundreds of bills Democrats have written.

We should vote against every Republican on the ticket anywhere in the USA come election day for about the next 50 years.

9 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Yes, but hush. You do not want them to know what is in store for them.

    1- it will sting more2- it will prevent them from making contingency plans

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    It's highly likely that Trump will lose the next election. To begin with, Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. In fact, he got less of the vote than any candidate, winner or loser, in the 21st century. The only reason that he was able to get a narrow Electoral College victory was because the people who were opposed him did not unite fully behind Hillary Clinton. That's unlikely to be a major problem in 2020. In addition, the demographics are movie did way switch r inauspicious for Trump and Republicans. Republicans get almost all of their support from white people and white people are a declining share the US electorate. Trump's best age-group in 2016 was the Baby Boomers kuhi one by about a two-to-one margin. But the Baby Boomers are shrinking as a portion of the population since they're beginning to die out. Meanwhile, Millennials are scheduled to be the largest age group in the electorate in 2020 and they voted two-to-one against Trump. This means it's going to be difficult for Trump to win re-election, and that's before we get into anything having to do with policy or Trump's corruption or any other personal issues.

    Republicans are also probably going to do relatively bad in the Senate races in 2020. The map is relatively favorable to the Democrats next year. Democrats wall so presumably have a bit of a Tailwind because of the presidential race, which will spur greater turnout among Democrats. This will likely help them win some seats. However, taking back the send it is more difficult. If I recall correctly, Democrats need to win something like four or five Senate seats in order to retake the Senate. That's a fairly tall order even with a relatively good map. There's some seats which they stand a pretty good chance of picking up such as Cory Gardner seat in Colorado and Susan Collins seat in Maine. They also have a relatively good chance, in my opinion, of picking up the senate seat in Arizona. The Republican appointee there lost a senate race in 2018 and she's facing Mark Kelly, a astronaut who has raised phenomenal amounts of money. But there's challenges elsewhere. For one thing, Doug Jones and Alabama will be up for election next year and he's quite likely to lose. That makes the Democrats job of taking back the Senate even more difficult. To win the Senate they will probably have to win several races in states where they haven't been competitive recently. For example, because of a special election there are two Senate seats up for election in Georgia. While Democrats nearly won the governor's race in Georgia last year it has been something like 15 years since a Democrat was Senator in Georgia. It's certainly possible that they could win, but it's a bit more unlikely. So if we look at the map it's going to take a very good Democratic performance next year for them to retake the Senate.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Careful what you ask for. It would be equally bad for our government to become overwhelmingly Democrat as it has been bad to be overwhelmingly Republican until just recently.

    When one party or the other is dominant in government, we Americans run the risk of losing the major thing that sets us apart from other nations...checks and balances. And we could very well lose the democratic process itself.

    China has a single party, the Communist Party. It is in fact an autocracy, a dictatorship. If America were governed by a single party, either one, it too could become a dictatorship because the loyal opposition would be impotent.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    In your dreams, my friend. Americans have a lot to thank Trump for and have become bored with the impeachment inquiry because it's become obvious that there is no there... there. 

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Our illustrious Democrats have painted President Trump out to be a victim of leftist Dems who are trying to turn America into a Third World hell hole ruled by left wing foreign mullahs.

    Likely this perception is completely right on and the Democrats truly ARE enemies of the people of the United States.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    I find your desperation to be quite hysterical.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    The only ones who still support trump are the very rich and the very stupid

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Sadly the conservative propaganda machine makes them think they're justified for all their actions.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Trump is going to win in 2020 and most Americans are conservatives.

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