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Lv 6

Why can't we just "colonize" Earth?


My apologies: I thought I was entering details but they somehow turned into an "answer". What I meant to say was:

A lot of people say we must colonize other planets in case the Earth becomes uninhabitable. But all other planets in our system are also uninhabitable, which means we must create habitable environments on those planets to live on them. But if we can develop the capability to do that, why can't we just use that technology to create habitable environments on Earth?

15 Antworten

  • goring
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Jahren

    May be we will have a better home in Heaven.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    That would be like trying to live in a house being renovated... it's difficult, inconvenient, and you're always in the workers' ways... Besides - we don't have to do it now, so we should practice on another world so we know what to do when the time comes.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    I have read that if the Sahara desert and the continent of Australia were both intensively irrigated and farmed, then the Earth could support 100billion people or more. And we could populate the interior of the South American jungle, northern Canada, Siberia, and the like. We could cut down all of the trees and turn all of the land to crop land. In so doing we could press all other larger animal species to extinction, except those that we would be farming for their meat for us to eat.

    Is that the kind of planet you want to live on? Not me.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Jahren

    England tried to but the colonist demanded independence.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    But we have. So what's your point?

  • vor 2 Jahren

    "Colonize" Earth? Already done. We treat Earth like it is some kind of colon. It is at the receiving end of all the waste, pollution and just plain crap that humans produce. It is backing up. We are swimming in our own filth. And choking on it.

    About time we treat the Earth like the single perfect home for us that it really is.

    Quelle(n): Watching for sixty years most everything go downhill faster and faster.
  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    please learn to use an appropriate word.

    Why can't we make earth more inhabitable? Because we worship money-economy (capitalism). If we'd stop polluting, a lot of people would lose their JOBS and/or INCOME

  • vor 2 Jahren

    We already have done that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    We have already made a Feck up of it

  • Joseph
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Jahren

    There's people there already

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