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Who made the Judciary Immortal?
I really do not know the rationale. Other than we want to be different for the sake of being different. I have great respect for the members of the Supreme Court. They given up lucrative careers and devote their time to adjucating crucial differences between states, people and instituions. But to force them to keep working in into their 80's and ninety's? and don't tell me they are free to retire. That is not the point. I think Congress should remedy this major flaw in our system of government.
2 Antworten
- JudithLv 7vor 2 Jahren
The definition of immortal - Living forever. Far cry from "lifetime appointment."
Judges appointed for life can either die while in the job or they can retire/resign if they wish or they are removed from office (impeachment). And yes, IT IS THE POINT. No one "forces" them to work into their 80s and 90s. If they are mentally healthy, why not? If they want to retire when in their 70s they can but I suspect most would be bored, plus, I would imagine they like the power they wield and the fact that their decisions impact everyone who lives in the US in one way or another..
They are independent. It protects them against interference from either the legislative or executive branches of the government. It is important to the "checks and balances" system of our government.
- Lib.rare.ianLv 7vor 2 Jahren
Nobody forces them to work any longer than they want to. That IS the point.