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Are you yearning for America to turn socialist? Then you probably do not pay Income tax.?


Yearning for America to turn socialist? Then chances are you are not an income tax payer.

17 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    "Socialism only works well until you run out of someone else's money"

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Ask what Venezuelans think about socialism. They had the richest country in South America and were living quite comfortably until the socialist government came to power and all went well for a while as the country ran on accumulated wealth but since then the economy has crashed and people are starving and Venezuelan currency is worth nothing so they cannot buy on food. It seems every communist country in the world failed starting off with mass starvation, murderous dictators killing anyone who threatens their leadership, and the average income dropping a lot. The reason they don't pay income tax is because they earn so little. Would you prefer that sort of life to the one you already have. Communist countries generally have to put up border fences and issue severe penalties to keep their people trying to escape the poverty and horrible life they must lead under socialism. Communist countries also seem to need vicious secret police to keep the people under control with many of those arrested disappearing forever, and they force neighbours to spy on neighbours to the point people live in fear. Every socialist country has been hijacked by a dictator who turns out to be brutal and is more interested in keeping power than being the decent leader looking after the needs of their people.

    If you like socialism go live in North Korea and see how good it is, or go to Venezuela and see why the people there are demanding democracy. Chinese people with fortunes are shifting their money and themselves overseas as they don't trust the communist government that they won't grab all their fortunes from the government owned banks. Every country that was communist but now opening up to capitalism is well poorer than those that were always capitalist democracies. Russia has over 144 million people but still has only the economy about the size of Australia's which only has 25 million people. The effects of communism still haunts their economy.

    True socialism sounds great but unfortunately it stifles the average person from making an effort to advance the country. It always seems to bring evil dictators to the top and they take the country to destruction to keep their position of leader.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    It is clear that there is a lot naivete regarding "democratic socialism". While our capitalisitic model has flaws, it can be improved upon---through competition, incentives and consumerism. Unfortunately, it is incorrect to assume that democratic socialism is an econonic and not a political model. Read the histories of Russia, Cuba and Albania. They all started out as so-called economic models-the mantra was, we are going to democratize means of production. Look where they all ended up--there is no escape nor improvement once Government starts running businesses. Abject failure is almost guaranteed. Please do your homework and do not give in to this delusion. Let us keep improving Capitalism. Socialism of any type chokes progress.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    This evil of socialism, what is its equally bad or worse opposite? That is the part you right wingers do not get. One thing socialism even the worse kind that you can imagine has iin its favor is that the country is being run for the benefit of what its people want.....maybe going a bit overboard in trying to do the right things. In the opposite of socialism it is not about the people being served or the government representing the people, it is about oppression, about the few dominating the many, about not having democracy like a republic is supposed to be, about injustice and unfairness. So, in essence, when you break down the two extremes, the opposite of socialism is worse !!!!

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  • vor 2 Jahren

    "Turn socialist" indicates you clearly do not understand socialism. Socialism is an economic model, not a political one.

    The US already has socialist enterprises...our military and the USPS are socialist enterprises. See for a more complete list of socialism in the US. But we remain a republic, a democracy constrained by the Constitution.

    I am hoping that we soon have true universal healthcare in a form similar to Medicare, which is government owned and operated. That's socialism by definition.

    BTW, I probably pay more income tax than you earn in a year. My AGI puts me in the upper 5% for income.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Not really in the sense the the USSR was. But "democratic socialism" is fine by me. It's worked well in a number of countries.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Government relies heavily on income tax. Without it government spending can easily drop by 20% or more.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Yes. 30% of my profits are taxed.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    It has been socialist since day one.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Only an imbecile would want America to be socialist.

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