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Lv 7

#8 Atheists what would be your LOGICAL rebuttal to this evidence of God's existence?

Thomas Aquinas' argument of contingency and necessity,

All life that exists depends on something else for their existence. They are “contingent beings”. This therefore requires a “necessary being” from which the contingent being came. But this necessary being might also be a contingent being requiring a previous necessary being. Again, no matter how far back you go and no matter how many evolutionary changes have been made you arrive at a FIRST necessary being, or God. Our very existence demands that God must exist.

This is similar to two other of my arguments but this one speaks of life rather than the universe,

12 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    The world's entire population of atheists who have studied logic and philosophy would fit in an elevator.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    A vague claim is not evidence. Single-celled organisms could exist by themselves.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    <<<Thomas Aquinas' argument >>>

    Argument... you said it yourself. It's an argument. It's not evidence. It cannot be used as a factual foundation for your argument.

    <<<Again, no matter how far back you go and no matter how many evolutionary changes have been made you arrive at a FIRST necessary being, or God. >>>

    That is a claim, based on an assumption. There is no actual evidence.

    I could say, "No matter how far back you go, animals had mothers and fathers, therefore it is necessary that there be a God and Goddess who started it all."

    You see how that works? Making a claim that you believe something works a certain way is not the same as evidence that this is actually how it works.

    <<Our very existence demands that God must exist.>>

    Yet another claim with absolutely no evidence behind it; and no logic, since you based your reasoning on unverified claims rather than actual facts.

    At best, you have a guess based on a guess.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Philosophical debates, based on religion, by the religious, is not evidence of the existence of voodoohoodoo, sorry.

    Contingency argument is a logical fallacy.

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  • vor 2 Jahren

    Atheists believe in the Primordial Soup - where we all came from. A soup on top of rocks. Somewhere in the ocean. A hot soup. A soup with different ingredients. Whala! There's absolutely no proof of this life springing soup. One has never been found. yet they have faith in the soup.

  • Bill-M
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    What Evidence??

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    You’re asking atheists - who also believe in a virgin birth - only they believe the ‘virgin’ was pond scum. Do you really expect a logical answer?

  • Wrong. This is not evidence, this is simply an argument "for".

    As far as we actually know, all matter was created out of the probably infinite energy of the Big Bang, which is a proven event, as all matter is on an outward bound trajectory originating from a single region of space.

    That much matter, all impossibly squeezed together per Gravity and Thermodynamics, would create a black hole more immense that can be imagined.

    But it didn't work that way - the energy that created all matter and space would have existed outside of any space time reference. It was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, it was everywhen, existing infinitely and instantaneously at the same time.

    The singularity it caused created all matter. This matter, over billions of years, became stars, planets, comets, nebula, spiral galaxies, etc. etc. etc. On ONE planet that we know of, the conditions for life were favorable enough that the building blocks of DNA - amino acids - were generated in a primordial bath of chemicals.

    From the building blocks came the first organisms - prokaryotes, then eukaryotes, and photosynthesis began, churning out oxygen over millions of years. The first multi-celled animals evolved. The oceans teemed with life. Eventually amphibians developed and from them the first land animals. Eventually, millions and millions of years later, long after the extinction level event that wiped the dinosaurs, primates evolved, and from them came Man.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Drinking your own bathwater does not prove anything.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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