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  • Strange house dream, a little help?

    I know what house dreams tend to generally represent; but I've got some additional issues: I've been house hunting, houses are on my mind constantly these days. I'm making a big move to a new state after divorce, made a big decision to leave my mother behind (she's a narcissist; I can't just stay here for her anymore). Many changes and breaks with the past.

    The dream is me & my teen sons living in what is supposed to be my grandmother's old home. It doesn't actually look like it. I just 'know' it is. My g-ma's old home was falling apart last time I saw it (been sold since), and dream house was falling apart-- mold, decrepit, etc. in the hallways & upstairs apartment we were staying in.

    It was dark and dingy and even though it was very big with lots of rooms they all had a claustrophobic feel.

    The only decent part is the downstairs rental apartment; it was renovated (same with my grandmothers real old home, the rental was the only thing upkept). In the dream, nice tenants lived there but I barely knew them.

    We were looking forward to finding a nicer place and moving in the dream. But I was a little sad too of what became of the place and of leaving it behind..

    This is the 2nd time this year I dreamt I was living in that old house worthy of being condemned. (but the dream version didn't match the real version); last time I wished I could restore it but I realized it was past repair and I had to just move on.

    I have my own ideas; any insights welcome :o)

    4 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 3 Jahren
  • Road trip next week, haven't driven in winter for long time.?

    I'm not sure what to expect; heading from south FL to around Nashville, TN.

    I've been watching the weather and it looks like this week/week end is going to have some dangerous conditions along the east coast, but in looking at next week it seems that things should be better (40's/50's).

    I'm planning to leave Mon, going up I 75 most of the way.

    I don't have snow tires, am I going to need them? Would it be risky to take the trip without snow tires?

    The heater on my car doesn't even work-- I know that's not going to be comfortable, but is that going to cause any safety issues (I have rain X to keep the windows from fogging & plan to bundle up).

    It's been 18 years since I've left FL between December & March, trying to remember how bad winter driving can be. Any advice?

    Thank you to any who answer. :o)

    4 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 3 Jahren
  • Will I short circuit my car if turn it on/drive with the headlight removed?

    I went to take out my headlight to replace the bulb and got thrown for a major loop. I have to go pick someone up and look for a new bulb will I kill my car if I start it/drive with the headlight detached?

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 4 Jahren
  • Why does my headlight look completely different from every tutorial for my car?

    I have a hyundai accent 2005. I have never changed this car's headlights before but I did change others and it's usually easy.

    So I looked up the bulb 2003. Took the headlight out. Inside it's completely different.

    Every tutorial shows this way:

    I am trying to upload a photo of what I've got but basically there were 3 clips attached to a wire. I don't even know what to look for to find a pic online I'll just keep trying.

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 4 Jahren
  • If you ARE voting for Johnson, what are your reasons?

    Link to any interesting resources in SUPPORT of Johnson.

    (Please note the actual question; I'm not looking for reasons to be against Johnson, or for anything about Trump or Clinton).

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 5 Jahren
  • St. Augustine, Florida Ghost Tour Recommendations?

    Hello. Visiting St. Augustine in August with a 15-yr-old, who really wants to do one of the town's ghost tours.

    Thinking about the Trolley of Doom but they all look interesting. Would appreciate recommendations from anyone who has taken any of these tours.

    I also saw something about one that you get to participate in an overnight investigation? But now I can't find it.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 5 Jahren
  • Let's talk turkey?

    For those who like and cook Thanksgiving turkey, what's your favorite tips? Secrets? Seasonings? Share,

    6 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 5 Jahren
  • Let's talk cranberries?

    Do you like them? Or do you just feel obligated to have them on the table?

    Fresh, frozen or canned?

    Chunky or jellied?

    Any twists?

    3 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 5 Jahren
  • Let's talk sweet potatoes?

    If you make sweet potatoes, or enjoy them, what's your favorite?

    Canned or fresh?

    Mashed, baked, roasted or casserole?

    What kinds of seasonings to you like (sweet, savory, both?)

    Marshmallows or no marshmallows?

    5 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 5 Jahren
  • Let's talk stuffi?ng?

    If you make stuffing or just enjoy it with Thanksgiving dinner, what kind? Or 'dressing' if that's your local lingo?

    Cornbread, white bread, wheat, mixed?

    Seasoned bread, or do you like it chunky with meat, fruit, nuts, veggies, etc?

    Do you like it cooked in the bird or in a baking dish on the side?

    2 AntwortenThanksgivingvor 5 Jahren
  • By what power do pagans cast out demons by?

    Someone asked this but refuses to let Pagans actually answer, so I figure I'll ask it so EVERYONE can give an opinion.

    As a Pagan, I don't believe in demons... and in my 25 years or so of being Pagan.

    So I have never had to 'cast out' anything of the sort.

    No matter how much Christians have told me they exist, I've never experienced anything remotely like they describe.

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Why would someone falsely assume "pagans fear "Good" from Jesus Christ" in Christians?"?

    I happened upon the question a few minutes ago 'Why do pagans fear "Good" from Jesus Christ" in Christians?"

    The ironic thing is the person blocks all Pagans... but then presumes to speak for us. They do a poor job of it, too... so I figured I'd give everyone a chance to answer.

    I've been Pagan 24 years. I've never feared good... I am a good person, my family is good, my friends are good. We don't "fear" Jesus... he's not part of our beliefs. I fear nothing in Christians... I have a lot of good Christian friends/family.

    So why would someone, instead of asking Pagans what we actually believe/think, assume that we are afraid of them?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Odd dream. Thoughts?

    A little background: my grandparents used to own a small apartment house that had 2 floors & 4 small apartments. They are gone like 30 years now.

    Anyway, I was young & single and my family went broke or something and I needed to get an apartment. 2 friends (well, actually 1 cousin & 1 tv show character) were also looking for an apt. and we decided to get one together.

    I didn't know if my grandparents would be selling the house but I get a call from my mom that they're looking to rent the apartments (all empty except the one they live in).

    So I tell my friends and ask my grandmother about renting the 3rd floor apartment, and she says yes and offers it to me for free. I want to pay her but she says we can use the money to help fix up the house (which is really getting ratty looking).

    So me and my 2 dream friends go up to the 3rd floor (which did not exist in this house in reality) and the apartment is like a shopping mall that's been closed down or something. We're excited about how big it is and unique and how we can decorate it, and we start exploring it.

    Oddly, people are living on the other side of it, it empties out into a different entrance. I argue my grandparents own it, they don't want to leave, I tell them to stay in their part and we'll stay in ours (and my friends and I agree to just close off the section) then we go back to getting excited and talking about how cool it will be to live here and who's room will be where and such until I wake up.

    6 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 7 Jahren
  • Problems with the new YA?

    Anyone else having problems with the new YA?

    I had been going through YA Canada for the old format but now they got that one changed over too.

    I can't leave comments at all. The box opens but it won't let me type in it.

    The search function sucks.

    I've tried it in different browsers.

    I have enjoyed coming on and off here for years on my coffee breaks to just answer quick Q's without getting dragged into long conversations like regular message forums but it's just so frustrating to use now I feel like looking for a new place for goofing off.

    Does anyone know if these problems are common, and if so does anyone know if YA is doing something about it?

    Or where we can E-mail complaints?


    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • Live stage versions of broadway musicals for theater fan suggestions?

    I'm shopping for a gift for my daughter. Most years I get her a musical... sometimes a film musical version (like Chicago, or the recent Les Mis movie) but mostly she loves filmed live stage musicals.

    I've gotten her in the past stage versions of:

    - into the woods

    - cats

    - chess (actually I think it's just the concert, not the full production)

    - phantom of the opera

    - rent

    - Victor/Victoria

    - les mis 10th anniversary concert

    I know she's a big fan of things like Wicked, Les Mis, Phantom, & Spring Awakening... just so you know her tastes.

    I saw Jeckyl & Hyde the musical stage version on Amazon & the reviews were not so hot and she never really mentions that one so I hesitate to get it and am looking for other ideas first.

    Even collections that show a collection of numbers from different big musicals would be cool (like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade or Tony Award performances or some kind of collection like that if any exist).

    Any suggestions? Thank you in advance...

    3 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 7 Jahren
  • Shopping for a musical theater fan- live stage versions on film?

    I'm shopping for a gift for my daughter. Most years I get her a musical... sometimes a film musical version (like Chicago, or the recent Les Mis movie) but mostly she loves filmed live stage musicals.

    I've gotten her in the past stage versions of:

    - into the woods

    - cats

    - chess (actually I think it's just the concert, not the full production)

    - phantom of the opera

    - rent

    - Victor/Victoria

    - les mis 10th anniversary concert

    I know she's a big fan of things like Wicked, Les Mis, Phantom, & Spring Awakening... just so you know her tastes.

    I saw Jeckyl & Hyde the musical stage version on Amazon & the reviews were not so hot and she never really mentions that one so I hesitate to get it and am looking for other ideas first.

    Even collections that show a collection of numbers from different big musicals would be cool (like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade or Tony Award performances or some kind of collection like that if any exist).

    Any suggestions? Thank you in advance...

    3 AntwortenTheater & Actingvor 7 Jahren