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Kiran C fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 4 Jahren

Wouldn't these 3 changes improve Obamacare enough to avoid repeal?


Increase the subsidies so it covers 6 times the poverty level.

Allow either Medicare or Medicaid buy in at average Bronze price in areas where there are less than two insurance providers.

Enforce the mandate with more rigor and increase the penalty to 3.5 percent of income.

Since Obamacare reduces a deficit by a small amount, there should be enough leeway to pay for this. Conservatives should be on board. These changes lead to lower premiums without doing the single payor approach.

8 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 4 Jahren

    They would be far superior to the Republican plan.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    People qualify at 150% of poverty level now.... so you would actually make the requirements to qualify stricter with your 6%.

    Fact is... the American people voted for and demand a total REPEAL.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    You are out of gas.

    1. The subsidies are being imposed off the backs of those with higher incomes who can afford insurance.

    2. Medicare beneficiaries cannot buy into a plan that is not contracted with Medicare. The cost of Medicare is generally lower than a bronze plan.

    3. Medicaid changes among states, different income levels in different counties.

    4. The tax penalty is severe enough. People will stop filing a tax return, especially students, to avoid the penalties. And the penalties increase every year. Why should poor working people be penalized so other people can get subsidized?

    5. Increase subsidies, and who do you think pays for subsidies?

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Obamacare will be fully repealed. Just like the GOP promised with SS and Medicare.

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  • vor 4 Jahren

    More practically (in the same vein, mind you):

    1) Increase the subsidies to cover all but the top 20% of earners as defined by annual IRS income tax returns;

    2) Yes, that's good, and #1 should increase the number of carriers in areas that are now marginal; and,

    3) Yes, that too is good - it must be enforced with maximum enforcement powers; also, increase the penalty to 10% of income.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    This is like trying to fix up slavery enough to keep darkies in chains.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Obamacare must be repealed and replaced. Just modifying would keep its existence in place which would allow future Marxist Democrats to remodify it once again. It must be wiped off the board altogether.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Heck no get the government and the insurance companies out of the out of the healthcare business and let the consumers decide just like ever other product or service.

    The reason healthcare is so expensive is because you don't pay for it.

    The consumer pays the insurance and the insurance pays the doctor.

    Start paying the consumer and allow the consumer to shop for the best health coverage they want.

    I do not want the government or insurance companies deciding my healthcare.

    Me and my doctor will decide my healthcare.

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