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Lv 7
? fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 4 Jahren

Why are liberals called Progressives?


I'm asking a legitimate question. Can anyone answer it? I don't see anything progressive about them but I'd like to know why some do.

8 Antworten

  • Daro
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    Libs use trick terminology to make their views seem rational.

    Progressive rhymes with "progress", even tho their use is totally different. It really mean "change by slow, small increments". So they "progressively" remove all your freedoms so u dont notice. like boiling a frog.

    They rename things for PC purposes.

    Jungles became "rainforests" because it sounded more PC and people were more likely to "care".

    Swamps , now "Wetlands"

    Opposite of "Pro-Life" is "Pro- Death". Libs are against choices, as Obamacare, seatbelt laws, anti smoking etc etc proves them to be.

  • vor 4 Jahren


    google the Progressive Era.

    ima progressive nationalist who votes Dem for now

  • Them
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    You're not asking a legitimate question - it's not even a question. It's just another filthy asshole republican lie - slightly obfuscated.

    You REALLY can't figure out what Progressive is??

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 4 Jahren

    Because we like progress, especially when it comes to human rights and personal liberty. We fought for the end to slavery, workers' rights, children's rights, women's rights, the welfare of the working poor, veterans, etc. We don't like to be "comfortably stuck in the past", where we do things just because "that's the way we've always done it". Progressives are responsible for the minimum wage, the 40 hour work week, weekends, the interstate highway system, an end to sweatshops, slavery, and child labor and a host of other freedoms and liberties even conservatives take for granted.

    Today, they fight for religious freedom for everybody, but also the right s of people not to be forced to participate in religious activities they do not wish to, the rights of women in the workplace, minorities on the courts and workplace, the elderly, indigent, poor, disabled, sick, etc.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 4 Jahren

    Liberals gave themselves that moniker because radical change for radical change's sake doesn't sound so good.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    For about 50 years now, since the Nixon years, Republicans have used the word 'liberal' to mean just anyone they disagree with. They call Hitler and Stalin and Mao 'liberals', and so were Clinton and Obama, so they're all the same in their eyes.

    IOW they use the word to hide meaning more than to explicate it. If you say 'I think minorities should have the same voting rights as white people,' they say 'Oh, you're just a liberal', meaning 'You're an idiot, you have no right to an opinion, so why should I waste my time arguing with you?'

    So real liberals (like yours truly) call themselves by different names, including 'progressive'. 'Progressive' actually better explains the attitude anyway. We had a 'progressive' movement in the US about 100 years ago, under a REPUBLICAN president, and it did a lot of good (and some not-so-good).

    For the first 200 years or so of the US, from the ratification of the Constitution up to the late 1970s, every generation did a little better than their parents. That's what you call -progress-. Since the late 70s, the middle class has steadily lost ground, with the Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Millennials all doing a little worse than their parents, not able to have as big a house or as nice a car, etc., and this is despite the economy doing better and better over time. This is the opposite of progress. Progressives would like us to get back on track again, perhaps with a new Progressive Era.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 4 Jahren

    Well, "conservative" is defined as the group that fights change, so by definition, anything is supposed to be called "progressive" if not "conservative."

    Update: I just answered your question. You didn't even know what "conservative" meant (you deleted your comments on my response) and why CONSERVATIVES will even call liberals "progressives." This would probably explain why you're likely a Trump supporter. Lack of understanding is a definite sign of that.

    Update2: You changed your question to appear less ignorant, but it's not going to work. You're still probably going to call yourself "conservative" even though you had no idea what it was before today.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    They use Progressive auto insurance

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