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Why is it that both leftist candidates campaigned heavily to FIX O'Care and now the left is saying that O'Care is great?

And that it doesn't need fixing. That it is wonderful. The bestest thing ever!

I'm beginning to think that the left's greatest fear is that Trump and the Republicans will fix health care in America. They sure as hell can't make it any worse. Even Bernie and Hillary understood that!

And why would we listen to any opinion the left has to offer given the FACT that they're the ones who put us in this bad situation?

7 Antworten

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Obama/Pelosi-Care upped our tax burdens and our deficits while restricting care and degrading the benefits for many hard working middle-class Americans. At the same time it forced many small businesses to lay off employees and lowered salaries and benefits, not to mention putting some out of business entirely. It upped the number of American Citizens on Welfare and food stamps.. Even larger companies reduced the number on their payroll.

    Everyone who isn't at the poverty level had cost increases and greatly increased co-pays.

    In addition some insurance companies were forced out of the markets.

    What about that wouldn't a Leftist Progressive love?

    The Conservative Fix may take some time and lots of debates but they would have a hard time creating a greater mess than the failing system we are suffering from now. - But you must also understand, no matter What they accomplish the Left and their Biased Media Propaganda Machine will rage against it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    They are Whinging Hypocrites.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    The Republican AHCA will help those who make more and are healthy at the expense of the working poor and sickier policyholders. Also, the Republican replacement bill will allow insurance companies to charge older Americans more. This bill will lead to a coverage drop of the individual and the employer market. Because tax increases on those making 200,000 or more are removed, the bill will increase the deficit while Obamacare does not. The CBO will confirm that. If people disagree, read the bill and prove me wrong.

    If you lose or cancel coverage for a period longer than 62 days, the insurance companies will be able to charge an extra 30% on your premiums when you sign up again. Once out, people will stay out. Those who left in will be sicker and more expensive to cover.

    Funny, people complain about how expensive Obamacare is but all of the Republican solutions will sooner or later lead to more expensive health care.

    For those who think Obamacare is in death spiral are fooling themselves. The number of insurance carriers can decrease but the enrollments are increasing enough to be sustainable. Take my bet. Leave Obamacare alone for three years. Do not underfund it. It will be there three years later and none of the dire predication will come true.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Never said that. Even Obama said it needed some tweaking. Why scrap some that is working, when you can fix the flaws? And if it is so bad, why not let it die on it's own, and then you can put your own version in, and say this is better. And your party will come out as heroes, and not zeros. Just let it die of it's own failures.

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  • vor 4 Jahren

    I think your view of O'care is colored by an obsession to defeat 'leftists' and 'the left'. If you looked at it as a national problem rather than just a battle between you and 'The Left' you might see it differently.

    I am what you would call a 'Leftist' (and a few more choice names 8^) ). I can tell you that even those of us who favored O'Care saw it as just a start, a first step. It was made up of mostly Republican ideas, but Republicans didn't want to approve of anything Obama did so they called it 'socialized medicine' and 'a compete govt. take over of health care'. I waited for the angry, inflated rhetoric to die down and for Congresspeople to stop grandstanding and posturing and address the actual problem, but clearly it never stopped being just a matter of partisanship for the Repubs.

    Now they actually COULD reverse O'Care and they're scared to death! No politician wants to be the guy who kicked 20 million people off their health insurance. Apparently none of your geniuses on The Right has one single idea for a new health care plan to replace O'Care. They just want to posture and bloviate and fulminate against it.

    The ball is in your court, Righty. This is the GOP's chance to shine! And you're still whining about Bernie and Hillary! WTF?

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    ACA is not as good as universal healthcare. What the Repugnicans are proposing is far worse, namely a series of puny tax credits.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Interesting strawman version of reality but, NO ONE is saying it is perfect. Few even call it good. It is however, for people who could not get health insurance and therefor regular medical care, without it, a lifesaver! This makes it a far cry better than nothing and a far cry better than the GOP non-replacement which is a huge tax cut for the rich and the loss of the ability to purchase health insurance for the poor.

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