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Lawrence fragte in HealthDiet & Fitness · vor 5 Jahren

How to I learn to do exercises properly?

I downloaded an workout app to my phone. And I am getting a good feeling that i am doing the workouts wrong espiaclly because when I do the workouts I don't feel any pain. How do I learn to do the workouts properly.

2 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I would strongly suggest using youtube as then you can watch how to carry out each exercise

  • BIll
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    If you're really that concerned you need to see a trainer in real life. If you're in school there may be credit classes or an after hours free time in the weight room where you can learn what to do and why.

    ******* apps? One guy did one math problem and you paid up and that's your new god? People create apps based on some semblance of knowledge. I am not the one that's going to hold your hand and drag you down your path, but you're going to be fat and weak and under my control until you make the effort to get the knowledge rather than begging to be spoon fed by an app or someone online.

    Powells books online is known for old textbooks. Your mom works a whole day every week just to pay taxes for the library and train so why not take a trip down there and see what they have. As a general rule the more you put in, the more you get out. Downlaoding and app and crying an hour later is not much effort.

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