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Does Hillary Clinton even have a plan to destroy isis?. I've never heard her say one thing about it.?
15 Antworten
- ?Lv 7vor 5 JahrenBeste Antwort
She does not.
Her plan is to invite ISIS in.
Remember Orlando nightclub slaughter? Germany mall shooting spree in Germany last week?
Want to see it a lot more often? Vote Clinton
- Anonymvor 5 Jahren
Not that anyone wants to hear actual facts, but ISIS itself has been beaten back in Syria. They are now defending their last stronghold in Mosul. The strategy HAS been effective. That's entirely separate from the random terrorists- some of whom have been inspired by ISIS and some who are just acting on their own unhappiness.
- vor 5 Jahren
She does have a plan, in fact, she's written a book about it called Stronger Together. You can pick it up tomorrow at the bookstore, or an airport near you!
- Anonymvor 5 Jahren
Donald Trump does though, by killing civilians and innocent family members of terrorists (he literally said it on national television, which terrorists have actually used in propaganda videos) the very thing they would definitely use as propaganda to recruit more terrorists. Only this wouldn't be propaganda since they're indignation would be 100% justified. You don't fight an ideology with ONLY bombs and guns, and you definitely don't do it with more terrorism.
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- zman492Lv 7vor 5 Jahren
1. Take out ISIS’s stronghold in Iraq and Syria
We have to defeat ISIS on the battlefield by:
Intensifying the coalition air campaign against ISIS fighters, leaders, and infrastructure;
Stepping up support for local Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground and coalition efforts to protect civilians; and
Pursuing a diplomatic strategy aimed at resolving Syria’s civil war and Iraq’s sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shias—both of which have contributed to the rise of ISIS.
2. Work with our allies to dismantle global terror networks
We have to stem the flow of jihadists from Europe and America to and from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. To that end, we must work with our allies to dismantle the global terror network that supplies radical jihadists with money, weapons, and fighters. That means:
Working hand in hand with European intelligence services to identify and go after enablers who help jihadists forge documents and travel undetected;
Targeting efforts to deal with ISIS affiliates from Libya to Afghanistan; and
Working with tech companies to fight jihadist propaganda online, intercept ISIS communications, and track and analyze social media posts to stop attacks—while protecting security and privacy.
3. Harden our defenses at home
We have to do more to identify and stop terrorists—including so-called “lone wolves”—from carrying out attacks in the United States, including:
Supporting first responders, law enforcement, and intelligence officers with the right tools, resources, intelligence, and training to prevent attacks before they happen;
Launching an intelligence surge to get security officials the tools they need to prevent attacks;
Keeping assault weapons and other tools of terror out of terrorists’ hands by allowing the FBI to stop gun sales to suspected terrorists, enacting comprehensive background checks, and keeping military-style assault weapons off our streets; and
Supporting law enforcement to build trustful and strong relationships with American Muslim communities. We need every American community invested in this fight, not fearful and sitting on the sidelines.
Compare that with Donald Trump's plan, if he ever comes up with one.
- vor 5 Jahren
its called a strong drone program with calculated attacks to take out their leaders
- truth seekerLv 7vor 5 Jahren
this is more of a plan than trump.
- Anonymvor 5 Jahren
She doesn't have a clue.
- ?Lv 7vor 5 Jahren
She does she's going to continue the policies of Barack Obama and continue to devise strategies to use drone strikes to kill ISIS members and ISIS leaders. Obama's drone strategy has proven to be incredibly effective. The number of terrorist attacks around the world have gone way down thanks to president Obama's successful foreign policy.