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How did you apply for your job and what website?

I m struggling to find work for a long time and I ve tried all the big websites and I would never hear back. I would get by on craigslist gigs but they are few and far between. So I was hoping to get serious answers to see how some people got their jobs and get some advice.

2 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    The way to get a job is by networking. Decide what you want to do and tell as many people as you can that you are looking. Go for the junior jobs. Find volunteer work. Anything to get your foot into the door.

    Big websites are a complete waste of time. You are going to find something through the people you know. A friend of my son's interviewed and followed up six times at a fast food place before they took him on. He did not give up, eventually they hired him because they were fed up with his (always charming and polite) visits :-)

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    apply directly to local places that might have jobs you'd qualify for

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