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Looking for lonely cottage by the sea?


I'm looking for a lonely, out of the way holiday cottage on the beach (sand or pebble) / by the sea anywhere in the UK.

Most cottages I found via various search sites were either in a village or part of a cluster of bungalows. However, I am looking for something quiet and private, with other houses or a village ideally within walking distance (say, 5 miles), but not in the immediate vicinity.

The cottage doesn't have to be big or luxurious as I'm planing to travel on my own. I'm thinking about staying one to two weeks. It would be great if it did NOT have internet access as I don't want to be tempted into spending all my time there with my laptop. (For that, I can just as easily stay at home.)

So, does anybody know of such a place or where I can find something like this? Your help is much appreciated!

4 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Long-term or for a holiday? In a particular budget?

    Take a look on holiday rental sites (eg Cottages4You), and look in the areas which are likely to be more remote with low populations (eg rural Scotland, rather than East Sussex)

  • vor 5 Jahren

    You should search for cottages in out-of-the-way areas with low population, otherwise you willl never be alone. I suggest West Highlands of Scotland for true remoteness.

  • Ray
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    I know of many, probably from the very sites you mistakenly believe do not offer them.

    Here are some websites for you to peruse:

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