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BUG in Yahoo Answers: Search results wrong?
1 AntwortYahoo Searchvor 5 JahrenYahoo Answers Bug Report?
Yahoo Search Answers results have non-standard layout and dates in Russian letters. Screenshot below
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 5 JahrenHelp with Hindi words please?
In Hindi, if you say "wallah", does that mean it is a man? What do you say if it is a woman?
5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 6 JahrenWhen is Search Results sort sequence bug going to be fixed?
After Search Answers, the Search results sequence buttons (Newest etc) do not work. This has been reported several days ago. When will it be fixed? Committed date please.
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 JahrenDoes the YA Appeals process actually work?
I mean, have you ever had an appeal upheld and your answer reinstated, and your points restored?
8 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 JahrenNo jobs in UK for Scots after Independence?
11 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 7 JahrenIs Yahoo Answers blasphemous? Do you agree?
Censoring the Bible, that'ssurely blasphemous, isn't it?
Look at this:
Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ***, and a colt the foal of an ***. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them And brought the ***, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon. Matthew 21:5-7
9 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 JahrenWhen will YA hire a competent DBA?
DBA= Data Base Analyst.
Maybe YA has one, but isn't listening to his/her advice.
Because the performance problems are getting worse and worse. When I click in a link to see a question or a set of questions, I only get to see what I asked for about 30% of the time. Time and time again, I get either "Question has been deleted or is under review" or "Something has interrupted the question stream". I know it's a phony response, because clicking again once or twice retrieves the item.
So here's professional advice from someone who has been in software development for nearly 50 years:
1. Hire a DBA or start listening to the one you've got.
2. Pay attention to performance testing before releasing software.
2. Test your software in a realistic environment before releasing it. Do NOT use us as your testers.
So my question is: when will YA stay doing professional-quality software, instead of this amateur bumbling?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 JahrenHow do US aircraft registrations work?
Air crash on takeoff at Birmingham UK (BHX) today, a Challenger, tail no N90AG, 5 dead. Twelve years ago (4 Jan 2002), another air crash, also at Birmingham, also a Challenger, also tail no N90AG, also 5 dead.
But when I look at the FAA Registry, N90AG is a Maule. How can there be multiple aircraft with the same tail no at the same time?
And why aren't tail nos also unique over time? Surely you don't re-issue the tail no of an aircraft that was in a fatal accident?
6 AntwortenAircraftvor 7 JahrenYahoo Answers Bug Report - is this a known problem?
When I have answered a question, and press the browser Back button, to return to the question list, I do not get the correct list - all recent questions are missing from the top.
This is completely reproducible - it is not my mistake.
What is the scheduled date for fixing this bug please?
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 JahrenYahoo Answers hangs (new format). Why?
I'm logged in, looking at the list of questions (in any category, including Recommended and Recent), I click to select a new list, or new category - and the list does not change.. Then when I press F5 (reload), the change that I requested occurs. This happens on almost all clicks. (Occasionally it does change - I have not found a consistent pattern).
What could be causing this? I have tried removing the YA cookies - no change in behaviour.
OS is Win XP, browser is SeaMonkey (same as Firefox, but without the stupid new interface).
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 JahrenHow do I report a security breach in Yahoo Answers?
Someone has changed the answerer's name on this question from "GreyWolf" to "Answerer No. 1".
Yahoo, this ought to be impossible. Anyone who can do this has access to be able to completely mess with the whole of YA.
When you rewrote YA, you clearly introduced at least one security hole (and probably many more than one).
What YA are you going to do about this?
6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 JahrenHow old is your oldest file?
What date is the oldest file you own, on your PC/laptop/phone/tablet?
I'll bet no-one can beat mine - 30 July 1984, a list of valuables in my home, for the insurance company.
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 8 JahrenPOLL: How are you commemorating Hiroshima Day today?
Are you marking the day? Remembering and studying what happened? Tell us.
For myself, I found the Education Scotland page and read as much as I could stand to read.
10 AntwortenHistoryvor 8 JahrenDoes the US remember...?
that 200 years ago today, off Boston, a Royal Navy frigate, the "Shannon", defeated a larger and more powerful US frigate, the "Chesapeake"? The fight lasted only 15 minutes. I believe this was the most recent time that a British vs US naval battle occurred - am I right?
I have just fired cannons in my back garden to commemorate the victory.
6 AntwortenHistoryvor 8 JahrenSpam, spam, spam, spam, spam?
Lot of spam today, on almost every question. (all promoting Amazon - how odd - I can't imagine them getting involved in this kind of criminality).
Is it worth reporting these answers?
Does YA! have any kind of bot for deleting these answers?
6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 JahrenWho are the hotties in Team GB?
I (male) vote for Laura Trott, so elegant...
When you name someone, say why you fancy that person..
7 AntwortenOlympicsvor 9 JahrenHeja Sverige! Where is a good mail-order company for buying Swedish-language books online?
I'm English, but I speak and write Swedish. I would like to read Stieg Larsson and Jens Lapidus books in Swedish, but I live in England - those books are impossible to find in the bookshops (except translated, which I don't want). So where can I buy them and have them sent to me?
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt