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Believers: what do atheists believe?

You seem to know, so please tell me.

19 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren





    Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

    The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

    As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

    Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    Atheists as a rule have no interest in religion. They don't mind that you do and as a group they respect your beliefs. It's a bit like folks who have no interest in sports, but don't care if you spend as many hours as you want watching the sport of your choice. All an atheist asks of the religious community is that they don't attempt to enforce civil laws based on their particular religion. Churches are private clubs no different from the Moose or the Elks. The rules that bind members of a club together should have no effect on those who are non members.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    They believe that nothing accidentally created nothing in a big explosion.

    They all believe in God, but pretend not to because they are wicked.

    They believe in being as immoral as possible.

    They believe in cannibalism.

    They believe that Satan is the good guy.

    They all want to abolish freedom of religion and persecute Godly people.

    They believe that the third law of thermodynamics does not work and that cats can give birth to dogs.

    They believe they can talk their way past God at the Last Judgement.

    Quelle(n): Yahoo!Answers
  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Believers ( believers in WHAT ) ( THEIST ? ) what do Atheist Believe in ?

    Atheist is a term applied to a PERSON related to the SPECIFIC ISSUE Claims of gods They do not accept the CLAIMS of Gods due to THEIST FAILURE to provide sufficient Evidence ( Proof) of those claims for a person to accept them as a FACT ( indisputable ) or a Truth

    ..............Truth is relative to Validity and SOUNDNESS of a claim or argument

    An Argument is sound if and ONLY if # 1 the argument is VALID ( a logical truth if it is true in ALL interpretations ) and # 2 ALL of its premise are TRUE ( according with fact or reality )

    an example ALL MEN are MORTAL


    therefore SOCRATES is MORTAL all premises are true so that is sound and valid

    in contrast to ALL organism with wings can fly

    PENGUINS have wings therefore

    Penguins can FLY the first premise is a false statement in a particular religion one might make a argument

    The bible says god exist therefore god exist because the bible says so

    that is called CIRCULAR reasoning it is expressing "IF" A then A therefore "A"

    there is no comparison truth premise as in the valid and sound argument of man and Socrates and Mortal IF All men are Mortal "A" then SOCRATES is a MAN "B" therefore SOCRATES is MORTAL "C" a valid and sound conclusion .

    To Answer people who are Termed Atheist are HUMANS who accept many things on many SPECIFIC ISSUES as true based on HAVING a good REASON to I am a SKEPTIC and evaluate things the origin of becoming an ATHEIST ... it is NEVER WRONG to QUESTION and EVALUATE

    If i DO NOT have a GOOD reason to ( SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE ) the Logical person would do what ? STOP BELIEVING IT aka stop ACCEPTING it as TRUE

    BELIEFS direct BEHAVIORS Beliefs are things one accepts to be TRUE .

    . I can Honestly say I never HUNG My NEIGHBOR because OF A BELIEF he/she was a WITCH or

    Had a BELIEF accepted as true a person with Epileptic Seizures was possessed by DEMONS

    Held a BELIEF accepted as true to Killed another group of people because i believed a god told me to

    Held a BELIEF and Told others to not use birth control because some imagined guy in the sky won't like it

    Held a BELIEF accepted as true to OWN another Human Being because a god condoned it because it was economically profitable and one could passed them down to my children as property

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    Atheists do not believe in gods. That's it. Apart from that atheists can believe anything they like.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Funny question, considering that you're not an atheist at all. You're a troll, and you don't believe ****.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    they apparently believe atheists are immoral pedophiles, all while their priests continue to rape children all around the world.

    and if it's not christian priest rape, it's Islamic female genital mutilation

    Believers are of a very sick, irrational mind. Im sorry but as someone who has a degree in Psych these ppl seem detached from reality

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Theists and atheists are not different species. Apart from belief in a deity, the beliefs of both groups run the gamut.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    I bleave that atheists don't have any song books.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Well one thing is for sure, we do not believe in God, but we hate him!

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