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Lv 7
Lenny fragte in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · vor 5 Jahren

Are all climate disaster movies show dreadful freezing climate because global warming would feel like paradize?

8 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    More water, more rain, more warming, yeah it will cause some problems, but generally it is not scary at all.

    In fact, I am not terribly sure we are not making the planet better.

    There is no doubt that eventually all life on this planet will die out because of not having enough CO2.

    IF the warmers want to talk like idiots and claim the Earth has a virus and is getting a fever, I fell justified in my next analogy.

    We are making the Earth younger and healthier by taking the biomass lost to fossil fuels and returning it to the system. We are staving off the death of all life on this planet by millions of years.

  • Lenny
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren


    OK, name one movie, which shows that climate in NY becomes warmer and people there start suffering from the Cancun style weather, palms, tropical flowers, bananas and snorkeling in January.

    @ Art

    Couple degrees higher temperature is far from hell. Even 20 degrees higher is not hell. Had you been on Jamaica?


    There will be no movies about that heat wave and 1500 people died in 10 days (they died due to stupid employers or their own stupidity), because 2000 people had died only in NY City of old age every 10 days in those times (3.5 mln population with 50 years life expectancy). Not too impressive as disaster movie.

    @ John

    "Day After Tomorrow global warming caused ice age"

    Aha, this is the slay of hands. As I said, they tell you about global warming in the first 1 minute and they showing global freezing for the rest of the movie. If they would show Global Warming, people would want it to come sooner to their cities and villages.

    @ oikoσ

    Humans evolved in the jungles. We are wired for that climate much better than for cold Chicago winters.

    And now we have technology to make tropical climate even better for us. Check out hotels there.

    And this is a scenario taking Global Warming theory to the absurd extreme, which is rather nice.

    In real Global Warming theory they are talking about couple degrees over century. No jungle for you. Just mild Floridian weather in Quebec.

    If you prefer week working in Alaska in Winter, you are a very strange person.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Some side effects of the earth warming is ocean acidification which is killing all coral reefs and making millions of species of animals go extinct. For the first time ever, there is a point on earth too hot for humans to live somewhere in the middle east i don't remember specifics. The melting of the ice caps is causing ocean levels to rise threatening places you would probably consider "paradize" today to be under water. No more beaches.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Those that can afford to make movies of some of their dreams do, but I will say some of these Disaster movies come fairly close to being a fact, if it were'nt for a fact that my Global Teams & Telescopes help keep earth & our Universe safe. At least so far. Mike

    Quelle(n): Logic
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  • vor 5 Jahren

    Spend a week working in a tropical rain forest and then tell me about it. You will have sweat dripping down you, you won't sleep well, mosquitoes will drink your repellent as an apperitif before they drain you, and you will stink.

  • Art
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    No, global warming would feel like that other place mentioned in Bible, Hell.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren


  • S
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren


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