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Lv 7
Lenny fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 5 Jahren

Why would American liberals want more not vetted Muslim terrorists to come to US?

If they do not want it, they would support Trump's proposal.



Banning immigration form any foreign country is perfectly constitutional.

Banning immigration of the members of violent political movement (communists, national socialists) is legal too.

Update 2:

@ Simon again

Your edited statement now contains outright lie. Trump never said that he would ban US citizens and legal residents from re-entering US.

Update 3:

@ Nicolas

When some Chinese poultry was contaminated with bird flue, all poultry import from China was stopped.

Update 4:

@ Brian B

Which international cooperation might help you to find if Ali from Syria is indeed Ali, if there is no databases left in that devastated country?

FBI director says that vetting is impossible.

12 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    So there is a problem making sure we vet refugees seeking asylum.

    Lets say, that 2% of the population seeking asylum could be considered a risk (that is probably much higher than the real number). From that the Liberals and the Conservatives develop a plan.

    The Liberal plan, is to work internationally to confirm vet and monitor refugees, therefore allowing us to balance our need for safety with our humanitarian obligations as a moral nation not to watch genocide and turn a blind eye.

    The Conservative plan, is to simply reject everyone to avoid the risk, to provide safety by damning our nation to being an immoral actor.

    How can America ever hope to maintain its stance as a world power politically if it can not rise up to the most basic of humanitarian challenges?

  • James
    Lv 5
    vor 5 Jahren

    Because your question is a lie. I don't think conservative OR liberals want terrorists of any sort to come to the U.S. Trump's proposal violates freedom of religion and separation of church and state, as well goes against all the moral principles that the U.S. is built on--I guess that's why you're for it.

  • teri
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Brainwashed by the media. It’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason. Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times, “Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned."

  • Ben
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    "Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Trump’s proposed ban would apply to “everybody”, including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country. Another Trump staffer confirmed that the ban would also apply to American Muslims who were currently overseas – presumably including members of the military and diplomatic service. “This does not apply to people living in the country,” Trump said in an interview on Fox News, “but we have to be vigilant.”

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    Aside from the fact that it disallows a lot more perfectly innocent people from entering the US than stopping a small minority of nut jobs, it will also justify the idea to islam radicals that the west IS against them simply based on ideology. It can in turn radicalize even more people and create more division when unity is needed.

  • Liberals would rather act shocked then to act logical toward Trumps proposal. They would not want potential terrorists in their neighborhood.

  • Funny how suddenly the Christian Conservatives can use "Security" to gut the Constitution and Freedom of Religion!

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Jimmy Carter already did it to the Iranians. It was very effective.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Whatever Obama wants, liberals agree with it even if it's dangerous or a threat. For such avid fact-seekers, libs sure have strange and twisted priorities and standards.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Let's start at the beginning, shall we, son: Our liberal friends aren't exactly the brightest bears inna da forest.

    Therefore, expecting any acknowledgement of functional reality out of that crowd will always be an exercise in futility.

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