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Eduardo M fragte in PetsFish · vor 5 Jahren

Red Devil crab has been upside down for 3 days. Diagnose?

I am an experienced aquarist but never had a crab before. I've had my red devil for a couple months now, during this time it molted twice.

The second time it molted was 2 or 3 weeks ago. Unlike the first time, it resumed regular activity as soon as it molted which struck me as slightly odd. After a few days it started acting a little weird, i would find it tipped over forward, with its weight on its claws and front legs only, but since it was still alive and active i decided to see what happened next. It seemed to get better until i found it upside down a couple days ago. it's still alive and responsive to slight disturbances but aside from that it doesn't really do anything.

Looking online has given me absolutely zero help. Anyone know what the heck is going on?


Forgot to add this, water is slightly brackish, aquarium is 10gal. temperature is a constant 75F (not optimal, i know, but my heater broke and I'm incredibly broke).

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    Red Devil Crab

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Do an immediate partial water change. This reaction can be from degraded water quality. Also make sure you are providing him with the proper habitat. Does he have terrarium/land access? They are not fully aquatic.

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