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Eduardo M fragte in PetsFish · vor 6 Jahren

Should I change my Aquarium from freshwater to brackish?

I have a 10 gal freshwater tank equipped with medium sized gravel. Population is 1 pleco, 1 blackfin shark, 1 red Devil crab, and a few guppies. The tank seems overpopulated but I have worked very hard to make it into a good balance and none of the inhabitants show any signs of stress.

Anyway, I was looking into creating an underwater air pocket for my crab since the lid doesn't let me see it when it's outside (which is a lot) and stumbled into a lot of sites that say that all of the fish in my tank do better in brackish than freshwater, especially the crab and the guppies.

I just need to know whether its actually a good idea to transition or if I should leave it as is.


1 Antwort

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Sure, just add salt slowly over a week or so

    1 tablespoon, then 1 a few days later, and another in a week.

    Add salt when you do water changes based on how much water you TAKE OUT of the tank, not how much you put in. Do not add salt to water you put in the tank due to evaporation. So a 3-4 gallon water change, add 1 tablespoon or slightly less to the new water.

    Note: fresh water is not totally fresh, it has some salts usually.

    Get rid of the pleco, get tall plants so the crab can rest at the top of the water, cover exits so he doesn't leave

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