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Where can I buy Watermelon Oreos in the UK?

Either online or in a London-based shop, thanks

7 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren

    The folks at Oreo must be going flavor-happy, because they've been cranking out new varieties like crazy. The latest: Watermelon Oreos, which feature a bright green-and-pink filling sandwiched between two vanilla wafers.

    “We chose Watermelon because it is a fun, summer flavor that goes great with the Golden OREO cookie,” explained Oreo spokesperson Kimberly Fontes to Time.

    watermelon oreo

    The snacks debuted on June 10 and are now on Target shelves nationwide for a limited time. According to Consumerist, they cost around $3 a box.

    We're set to receive a box ourselves (stay tuned for a taste test!), and initial reports have us optimistic about the cookie's flavor. The blogger behind Junk Food Guy is clearly a fan, writing in a complimentary post that he "liked these. A LOT. These DIDN’T overwhelm me with artificial (well, overly artificial) watermelon flavor. Instead the immediate taste I got was a watermelon taste that tasted like, frankly, it had been blended with creme."

  • vor 5 Jahren

    I would google it or viy it straight from the Oreo website. In the U.S.A we don't have watermelon Oreos...just mint and original.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Amazon might be a good place to look.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    crispins in shaftsbury road piccadilly end

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  • vor 6 Jahren

    out of your as5 hole you stupid *****

  • vor 5 Jahren

    damn those sound so good

  • vor 5 Jahren


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