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what would be the WORST possible ticket for the presidential election 2016?

Mc cain-jeb bush would be my choice.

12 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    Can't get any worse then the McCain Palin ticket. I'm guessing a Brown-Paul ticket would be the worst

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Jesse Jackson Jr/ Sandra Fluke would be pretty bad, but that is what I expect the Dems to nominate just to show they can win no matter what. They're slogan will be "So our guy's in jail and the Veep isn't even 35 yet, but who you gonna vote for, A Republican? Ha, they don't promise as many freebies as us"

    Bernie Sanders/ Warren would be pretty bad

    Hillary and Biden would be pretty bad

    Biden and anybody would be pretty bad

    Jeb Bush and Chris Christie would be pretty bad

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Kanye West & Sarah Palin

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Ted Cruz and possibly another wacko appeasement vice president choice like Jindal.

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  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren


    The ticket from Hell

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    You are a troll and you should stay away from Yahoo Answers!!!

  • vor 6 Jahren


  • vor 5 Jahren

    I think Hillary will be president

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    @Coluche is a troll and he should stay away from Yahoo Answers!!!

  • vor 6 Jahren

    if eliot rodgers didn't win

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