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Why has "Shades of Gray" been so successful?

I've read that it was mostly hugely successful due to the fact that it was such a taboo-breaker. But that makes me wonder: is BDSM really still such a taboo?? I mean, come on... I'm not into painful sex myself but hasn't everyone, even the most boring housewife, watched a kinda rough porn at some time in their life or at least thought what it would be like to be strapped to the bed and such? I've heard most fans of this book are women. No offense but what sort of boring sex lives/ fantasies do these women have if they get shocked about this type of fetish? Hasn't it crossed everyone's mind at one point, even if you're not into that?? When I heard about the novel for the first time, the only thing that shocked me was the fact that so many people went bananas about it although it's really poorly written apparently.

8 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    It happens every 5-10 years actually(Basic Instinct, Eyes Wide Shut had similar hype) basically people like to pretend something is taboo, then 'break it' every 5-10 years.

    Also it's BDSM-light, to appeal to the big audiences, real BDSM isn't something most people like.

    Lv 6
    vor 6 Jahren

    "Shades of gray" has been so successful because it allows a certain type of person to claim moral ambiguity where there is none.

    Or did you mean that ridiculous novel? It isn't due to substance, to be sure.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Why is porn so successful? I just don't see the appeal at all??

    Honestly though, it's like these women have never looked for good smut online. I've read hardcore smut/lemons since my vag started twitching after perving on buff male models at like 12. The book is terribly written; I couldn't get through 2 chapters I wanted to throw up. And the author was already trying to push soooo hard for the reader to like Anna (was it?) and that she was soo cute and innocent.

    Please girls, there is so much good free hardcore, healthy bdsm smut out there. Love yourselves.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    I read the first book and didn't like the main characters, she had to bite her lip and hesitate, even making a cup of tea and he was an arrogant rich idiot. The best bit was the red leather whip, personally I would only ever permit someone I knew and trusted to tie me to anything. Violence doesn't appeal to me in any form and porn is so overatingly boring the male actors are so ugly.

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  • vor 6 Jahren

    Shades of Grey has little to do with real BDSM.

    Real BDSM is something to take serious - it is about trust, care, consent, etc.

    BDSM partners need to communicate and understand their needs before acting on them.

    Shades of Grey is pure abuse, and it is disgusting so many poor people are desensitived to such a controversial book.

    Quelle(n): Actual Semi-BDSM person.
  • krista
    Lv 5
    vor 6 Jahren

    it was very poorly written. couldn't get through the fourth chapter. no substance. characters were wooden. the plot was trite and unimaginative. I need not go those who say that "the book is always better than the movie".....I would say to save your fifteen dollars.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Because women like to be submissive.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    It was hyped in the media - people swallowed the hype, like always.

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