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If the Taliban is not a terrorist group, what do we call them? The "Those who want to perform terrorist acts group"?

4 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    What Terrorist Tolerant term has the White House started using for their Al Qaeda friends this week?

  • vor 6 Jahren

    The Taliban is not necessarily a terrorist group. They are a political movement that was born after the CIA funded and trained them to force the USSR out of Afganistan in '89. From there, a young veteran of the war named Mullah Omar established the Taliban as the undisputed government in Afganistan, and proclaimed that he was endowed by Allah to lead the country. He aimed to revert the country back to the time of the prophet Mohammud and officially eradicate ALL western influence. They were removed from power by NATO following 9/11. However, they are slowly but ruthlessly resurfacing as NATO draws down. The Taliban consists predominately of Pashtun tribesman. There are also Jiahdist and Sunni Muslims in the group as well.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    They are terrorists.

    They murder those who disagree with their tyranny.

    They are racist, sexist, bigoted.....

    So, they are Terrorists.

  • Greg
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    Are you seriously asking the name of a group.... in a question where you use the name of that same group??

    Because that.... is pretty dumb.

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