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Why does my right arm keep going numb when I sleep?

I usually sleep either face-down with my head turned to the right, or face up. I never sleep on top of my arm and I don t usually move when I sleep, yet i often wake up and find my right arm is dead numb (it s always the right). Its even happened to me when im sitting on my bed leaning against the wall and im working on my computer so my arm is definitely not under anything and it still goes numb.

I m guessing theres some reason I havent thought of, any Ideas?

2 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren

    You could possibly have a pinched nerve or tension in your cervical or thoracic spine that is limiting the function of the nerves in your arm. It is difficult to diagnose without a physical exam so I recommend you make an appointment with your general practitioner or a physical therapist. Going to a chiropractor can help but you should ask a physician first.

    Quelle(n): Licensed EMT & in nursing school
  • dustin
    Lv 4
    vor 6 Jahren

    sound like cancer... see a dr

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