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Lv 6
? fragte in Family & RelationshipsFriends · vor 7 Jahren

Psycho Friend Never Got The Hint?

Okay I finally ended an 8th month friendship with a friend. He was a person I never should of befriended. I never knew he had the problems he had till later. I started noticing he had some problems. I once caught him talking to himself in the bathroom. With black hair color running down his face.While yelling at the same time at the mirror. He also pushed me once, I forgave him.That is an example. I tried to help him as a friend. But all it did was get worse. He treated me like dirt and stupid me would forgive him.

When I ended the friendship. He would leave borderline psycho messages on my answering machine. He would say my name loudly 3 times in a row. Than say, call me please, please please. Then he would start crying after that on my cell phone. He would also leave other messages on phone crying and saying he needs help he does not know what is wrong with him. It just got real scary.

He could not accept the fact I did not want to be friends. The The calls, the text got worse from him. I had to block his phone number and block him from facebook. His borderline weird text calls literally made me want to puke. When I was at the mall I was worried I would see him or be followed. That is how I am thinking. Like hope to God he does not do anything stupid.

Has anyone dealt with these kinds of people. And how do you learn to not worry if that person will do anything crazier than calls. Thanks for reading


By the way, I am 38 and he is 51 so please dont tell me to go see my school counselor.

3 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I know someone who has been in a somewhat similar situation.. Get him exactly what he said he needs.. HELP. If you feel threatened or endangered by this guy, contact the police and let them know what's going on. You could possibly be dealing with something serious, if he's already pushed and been physical with you. Continue to ignore him, and like I said, get help from the police. Just avoid him and let the authorities take over the situation, there isn't much you can do since he's already borderline stalking you.. and if I were you, I'd watch out for those signs in other people you start to befriend also... I wish you luck!!

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Hey I'm a sociopath a nice one but I'm just as deadly as the rest... And I'll tell you something leave this guy alone.. Not only does he not sound crazy but he bought into the lie that he is crazy..... If that makes sense... I doubt he is like me' death inside'. But that doesn't mean normal people don't do something stupid. I personally would do this. Hire a personal investigator ... See what they dig up... If this happens in the past he should be able to find it... I have nothing to gain here so my advice is just that.... But here the thing if he is me.... A sociopath... Or even bi polar.... Run fast and run hard... I'd even call the cop and have them on a non contact list so he can't call anymore. If he is smart he'll move on if he is sick you'll need a gun.

    Quelle(n): Josh, friendly sociopath... God is real.. I should know I'm his body guard ;)
  • vor 7 Jahren

    Wow that's creepy. Presuming the fact that you guys go to the same school... Why not tell the guidance counselor? Or the class adviser? Sometimes there are problems that we ourselves cannot solve but authorities can. However if you aren't classmates, I agree with Mckenzie with this one. Call the authorities. At first, those hair color situations and talking to one's self isn't so dangerous but when physical abuse comes in, that's a highly different situation.

    While you're at the mall or so, don't be so obvious that you feel scared. Stay calm yet at the same time cautious. Sometimes people can sense fear. As long as you're with your friends or parents, your psycho friend won't hurt you. Also, don't stay out for so long. Take care.

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