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Pull-Ups Girls - gymnasts/rock climbers/cross - who is the strongest?

I was really wondering which of those three sports have the strongest female athletes. I mean grown-up, fully developed girls/women, let's say 16+ years.

How many pull-ups is the average female gymnast, training in let's say Level 9 or 10, able to do?

How man Hanging Leg Raises?

Are female Climbers or Crossfitters stronger? If so, what do you think, what is the amount pf pull-ups women who compete in a quite high (not highest, just be kind of little lower than professional) Level in their sports are able to do?

Thanks in advance!

3 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I'm not female but have seen female climbers do a lot using upper body strength. Still I've found it interesting that even strong female climbers that could climb at least as well as me couldn't do nearly as many pull-ups as me. It's simply a matter of body physics. Females simply aren't built that way...

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Okay. I'll bite. In my late teens years ago, I was a high school gymnastics coach. I have no reference what your levels are according to real skill. I had to be proficient on trampoline, pullups, balance beam, uneven parallel bars, mats, everything in order to coach 25 girls. Pullups don't really account for a gymnast's skill but only add strength for the bars, however momentum and agility is more required. Being an active coach for 3 years, then as a full grown adult prepared me to engage in rock climbing (real mountains) upon moving to Colorado. I remember the excruciating leg muscle burn and my whole body shaking on the descent from being maxed out. Not from weakness but from muscle enzymes overload. We used ropes and claws but it's very demanding to take care where you step while pulling your body up through boulder crevices. Having done both, and for 35 years, my expertise is still rock climbing and now I bow hunt in the Ozark Mtns hiking cross country. Hiking thru the Ozark mountains rugged terrain means carrying my gear on my back - so one slip would be plummeting maybe 60 feet into a rocky creek or ravine to my death.

    Now I'm a bow hunter for 6 months out of the year, a landscaper for 5 months during the year. Both demand I can lift and haul twice my weight, not rely on machines nor a handy man for that. As a hunter, I also must be agile and fit to climb trees. But back to your question:

    In my professional opinion, an outdoor climber, not the indoor variety, MUST have leg and whole arm strength, and stamina to endure the burn. Careful maneuverability is mental strength too.

    Pullups are not the gauge of strength but a mere item on a list of what else can I do...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Get a grip. Climbing puts most of the work on the largest bones.

    Ditto, their attached muscle. People who go through life using

    hands and arms too often are usually in wheel chairs, aren't they?

    Pull-up isn't smart enough. Climbing prefers to rely on three points

    of support before the next palm slap or other move. As to how a

    gender is built we know one is more pain tolerant but obliged to

    build their body for procreation. Another often allows two different

    portions of anatomy do their sex drive thinking. Body building is

    when exercise occurs without a lot of conscious motivation. Basic

    rock requires more thought than a metal bar or an exercise. Rise

    to the occasion. Females have more svelte on rock in my opinion

    because I like to watch.

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