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Lv 6
? fragte in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · vor 7 Jahren

Questions for Vegans - I've met many vegans who have a dog. How do you feed them?

How do vegans feed the dogs. Do they buy regular dog food or do they get special vegan dog food. Do the dog have to be vegan, too? What about cats?

11 Antworten

  • Dion J
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Vegans who own dogs have three choices when it comes to feeding them;

    - feed them "vegan" dog food, which isn't really natural for them, but like humans, they can survive without meat

    - feed them meat scraps from dumpsters; not a common technique, but one regular contributor to this section promotes it

    - feed them regular dog food, which contains meat by products from the "factory" farms vegans claim not to support; most vegans appear to choose this option regardless

    It is my understanding that cats cannot maintain proper health without a meat diet.

    Considering that vegans claim not to kill or use animals, the entire concept of pet ownership seems pretty un-vegan to me, even without considering the animals diet. But, it has been my observation that vegans are not really opposed to killing or using animals if it serves their purposes- they only seem to oppose it when it serves the non-vegetarians purposes.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    My sister is a vegan and she has a dog. She feeds it regular dog food. It is against the dog's 28th amendment right to force to be vegan just because you are. That is in the domestic animal bill of rights that was passed last year. Weird huh... Congress can't balance the budget but they can protect our pets.

    Good luck with the vegan thing. It's really hard.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Animals have a different digestive system than we do, so it is not right to force our dietary choices on them. While dogs can adapt to a vegan lifestyle as they have special vegan dog foods, cats cannot live a vegan lifestyle. Cats are pure carnivores and cannot survive without meat. Anyone that forces a vegan lifestyle on a cat is killing the cat.

  • Ducky
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    It depends upon the vegan. From my knowledge it is possible to feed a dog a healthy vegan diet with special ingredients and some vegans do.

    Other vegans feed their dog a normal meat diet accepting that while they are vegan their dog isn't.

    The same is with cats.

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  • vor 7 Jahren

    This is one of the reasons I don't like having carnivorous pets (and that I'm not a very responsible pet owner), but if I were to have a carnivorous pet, I'd simply accept the fact that my dog is a carnivore, and I am not. It's the lesser of three evils between feeding him vegan food, and letting him starve, dontcha think?

  • vor 7 Jahren

    My neighbor's are vegans and they know that a dog can live vegan but a cat can't. A cat needs meat protein in order to live healthy. So instead they buy their cat organic cat food. They want what's best for their animal.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Giving a dog or a cat a vegan diet is downright retarded and should be, if it already isn't illegal.

    Humans can live without meat, but dogs and cats cannot (dogs maybe can but they would not be in the best shape, and cats would die)

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    I find them as being hypocritical.

    If they want true liberation for all animals why are they willing to chain them up or fence them in. They should be allowed to run free they will be caught by the pound and if a hefty fine isn't paid they will get put down

    The same applies to cats


  • vor 7 Jahren

    I have a friend whos step dad was vegan and he made some strange rice based food. I don't know what it was exactly though.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    i give them lots of raw meat... u see dogs actually have teeth that are designed to rip through flesh and digestive systems designed to digest meats... so meat is healthy for them... thats why meat doesnt have negative impact on health as it does have for humans... because humans are not designed for it its something its not designed for and it is dammaging to the body over time.... any body trying to make there dog be vegan seriously needs mental evalutation and needs to stop comparing themselves to a dog or cat not feeding dogs meat can lead to health problems

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