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Why do the categories not show up on the left side like they used to?
12 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 3 JahrenWhat's up?
3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 JahrenHow to get an app to work properly on ipad?
I have an app that has asked to upgrade to the new version before I can use it. I clicked on upgrade and it took me to the App Store. However it only has the option to Open the app, not upgrade. I tried deleting the app to start again but it is in the cloud and again, it will only allow me to open the app, not upgrade. What can I do?
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 5 JahrenPain hours after orgasm?
I do not have a partner, basically I am a virgin and I masterbate with different toys. Usually after a session I have pain in my vagina for hours afterward -sometimes it can last to the next day. Is there anything wrong or am I doing it wrong?
1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 7 JahrenWhat is the best way to cook liver to get the most iron absorption?
I have extremely low hemoglobin and have been taking iron supplements and eating leafy greens throughout my life, but it has not been enough - I have been told by my doctor to eat red meats high in iron, particularly lamb and liver. I do like those meats so I don't mind adding them back into my diet, however I want to get the most benefit from them - is there a way of cooking them that will help retain most of the iron in the meat?
1 AntwortCooking & Recipesvor 7 JahrenWhy does Yahoo Answers now ask me to login to my Facebook account everytime I answer a question?
Everytime I ask a question, a pop up comes up on my screen asking me to login to my Facebook account, I find it very annoying.....when did Yahoo Answers start doing that?
8 AntwortenFacebookvor 8 JahrenWhy can I not answer a question?
Someone asked a question about baptism and I answered it. But I wanted to add a little more explanation to my answer and I was going to click on edit, but I hit delete instead. Now I cannot go back in and answer that question....why not?
12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat kind of fruit is this?
I have a fruit that was given to my by a colleague and I have never seen it before. She doesn't remember what it was, but she bought it at an Asian fruit market.
It is oval shaped and green skinned. Inside it is white flesh, with a large pit inside. It kind of tastes like a cross between an apple and a pear.
Does anyone know what it is? I don't have a picture - it was eaten before I could take one.
6 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt