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Lv 6
? fragte in HealthOther - Health · vor 7 Jahren

Obamacare - How can I avoid the fine and how can I get HealthCare on time in Texas?

We live in Texas which is not a problem. However, our annual income is not enough for us in order to be eligible for Health Insurance. Medicaid would be the choice for us, but here in Texas we are not eligible for Medicaid either.

Is the fine that needs to be paid if we don't get Health Insurance higher than the Premiums of the Health Insurance?

What options do I have if I want to stay in Texas?

If nothing can be done in Texas, would it be better to move to another state?

I live in El Paso, TX. This city is right at the New Mexican border who is one of the states that expand Medicaid.

Our employers have less than 50 employees.

1 Antwort

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If the cheapest plan on your exchange exceeds 8% of your household's income you wont be penalized for not getting insurance.

    I think it would be good to leave Texas.

    Are you asking about employee plans or individual plans?

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