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Is Pope Frankie right? The poor are getting the shaft, or is he overstating the case?

Are societies too intent on enriching the few and neglecting some moral obligation as expressed in Matthew 25 26-27, or is he promoting some kind of 'communism'?

7 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Of course he is! That is why he is being attacked for being a "Marxist"!

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Many people who are poor have made disastrous decisions about their personal lives. But many more are poor through no fault of their own. People who would be able to support themselves need a dignified way to do so. The government created jobs during the Great Depression. It didn't just put people on the dole.

    We need programs like that, not government handouts. Government support should be for the disabled, the elderly, or the people who are very ill.

    Are the poor getting the shaft? Yes, I think they are. It's hard to get a decent job.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Did you ever see a billionaire Pope, it's way overstating the case

    Life isn't fair if we have our health we should be thankful.

    If we work had both educating ourselves in many ways not just or only College we can succeed to greatness but too many are crybabies and lack motivation after all we aren't born with skills and a education they're hard work to achieve.

  • Don M
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Pope Francis is a good man, but his understanding of economics is flawed. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system. That is why the poor in the U.S. live better than most of the world's people.

    Capitalism is economic freedom. People are free to be greedy, but they are also free to be generous. Citizens of the U.S. contribute more to alleviate poverty and suffering than anyone else.

    The notion that governments should be instruments of wealth redistribution flies in the face of the far left's insistence that government should not be used to impose Christian morality on everyone else.

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  • Mooshi
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Sammy in his easy chair sipping brandy and reading the wall street journal says he can't see it.

  • Daisy
    Lv 5
    vor 7 Jahren

    little boys are probably going to get the "shaft" knowing the vatican's track record if you know what I mean

  • vor 7 Jahren

    right as rain

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