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If corporations have 'religious' rights, do they also have religious obligations?

Matthew 25 45-46 pretty much covers this from the Christian point of view... also from both the Hebrew and Muslim point of view. Feeding the hungry, taking care of the sick, taking in the homeless is an obligation. Oddly, these obligations to help apply to all the poor, the ill and the homeless, even the most undeserving. "What 'ye do unto the least of these, 'ye do also unto Me." I'm not religious, but I'm going to have to agree that Jesus was on to something here.

5 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    So, you want to make the government a theocracy?

    You don't seem to grasp the concept that the owners of a business - and they are usually private businesses - can run their businesses according to their religious beliefs. This was never an issue when they had the freedom to choose their insurance policy, because they did not have to violate their religious consciences to provide insurance.

    Businesses and organizations have many of the same rights as individuals. Or can you show us where in the Bill of Rights it limits all the rights to individuals only?

    You seek to strip businesses and people of their rights, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Bible. You need to come to grips with the fact you are a left-wing authoritarian and wish to give the state supremacy over the people. Because that is what you espouse here.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Some corporations ( but not all) do give money to the poor. But it is often a pittance compared to the profits that they take in.

    I don't like the idea of mixing religion and business because if employers base decisions for you based on their own religion- it could have very serious implications!

    Reading these comments I sometimes feel we are getting closer to the play with Scrooge in it than I thought!

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    I've never seen a corporation sitting next to me in the pew on Sunday, so I'm going to say they don't have religious rights. Period.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    You do know that corporations give billions to charitable foundations.... don't you?

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  • vor 7 Jahren

    Confused much?

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