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Democracies in Africa?

Are there countries in Africa that are (at least somewhat stable) democracies?

I know about Democratic Republic of the Congo...although the "democratic" part cannot be taken that seriously.

Are there other african countries that have a more stable democracy? And what makes them more stable?

Thank you!

3 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The question shouldn't be about whether or not an African country (or any country for that matter) is democratic, but whether or not it is safe, stable, and works in the best interest of its citizens. Democracy is nothing but a definition that cannot act on its own. Egypt democratically elected Mohammed Morsi last year and we see how that turned out a few months ago.

    There are MANY stable countries in Africa; the only problem is many of them are not democratic in a western sense. You will never know about them unless you do your own research because there are certain "elements" in the west that like to portray Africa as an unstable, corrupt wasteland.

    The most stable democratic countries in Africa are:





    South Africa



    The best way to determine democracy is to see an occasional change of power between political parties. In the same way that we in the US have alternating Democratic and Republican presidents and majorities in Congress, so too do these countries, meaning that reigning political parties have been voted out of power (but likely replaced in subsequent elections). By African standards, corruption levels in these countries are low.

    Ironically, three of the most stable countries in Africa are now three of the most lawless since their leaders were deposed: Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. Also ironically, the "Democratic" Republic of the Congo is probably the most unstable country in Africa at the moment.

    Other highly stable countries in Africa (but may, at times, have questionable politics) are:



    Cape Verde

    Equatorial Guinea





    Burkina Faso

    Quelle(n): Traveled around Africa and have a Master of Philosophy in African Studies
  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    The world and mainly the west does not want democracies in Africa. This would make a possible gold mine like Africa uncontrolable by the west. Notice that Africa cannot get loans for agricultural machinary.....but loans for weapons are given in hours.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    There are about seven. Ghana is one & Eritrea is another. Look for stable, economically growing countries. These countries will have Liberty & Prosperity, not war & starving masses.

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