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Lv 5

Why is UK such a great and tolerant country?! Really impressed!?

I am from Germany and a Muslim , and Germans are not very tolerant towards Muslims , but looking at UK , I find it amazing how English people so tolerant and loyal to other cultures. The fact that Muslim women with headscarf work as teacher makes me so jealous!

English People should be a huge role model to the rest of EU.

Long Live England

6 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    you're insane, british people hate all immigrants; especially muslims. that's why they want out of the e.u; so they can stop importing them.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    we are tolerant because of what we hold as our values within society, we are governed and follow rules that allow others to do well within the framework of our society-as a nation we have many different cultures--the oldest being the Celtic cultures of Wales and Scotland, the galeic cultureof Ireland and the isles that form part of the western seaboard of this nation- England has a veried cultures within its structure also, form roman and viking influences, the picts, angles,jutes, and the french-( William the Conquerer etc) so over time we have become not only a multi layerd society but have tthe tollernace and understanding in attitudes to others, --as long as they also accept our laws and rules and work to enhance the country in which they choose to live in.---break or disregard the rules, and the law will, and does, prevail.

    Quelle(n): of life.
  • vor 8 Jahren

    England and the UK are two different things.

    The UK is a country composed of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    Calling our whole country England is really offensive to Scottish and Welsh people.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Darling, many Britons are actually sick of that. The EDL is not just another tiny mob, they have support and though people are tolerant to Muslims, they want them in general out and to leave the country.

    In general Britons are tolerant of everything, it is like a very anarchist society. So tolerant that hate-preachers are still there out, enjoying freedom like Anjem Choudary.

    Such a stupid a country if you ask me. Not even Turkey (a Muslim country) allows women to wear the hijab.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    Muslims are accepted in this country as a whole however there are parts where it is not accpeted like every country but my city is very acceptent as i personally have many sikh and muslims who are friends they are also friends.

  • sbbb l
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren

    Just don't abuse the tolerance with intolerance.

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