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How are flashing LED circuits made?

I'm interested in making one for a project I have, and i realize I know there are kits for this, but I don't know how they work, and i'm curious as hell

2 Antworten

  • Steven
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You could look up circuits that use the chip known as a "555 timer", but you need college level math and physics to begin to understand much electronics.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Basically you have a circuit called an oscillator which does the on-off-on part. The output of that controls a transistor which acts as a switch, turning on and off the current through the LED.

    Google 555 flasher circuits for examples. The 555 is a common IC (chip) which can act as an oscillator.

    Don't let anyone tell you you need college level maths and physics to understand basic electronics, you don't.

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