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Ilayda D fragte in HealthMental Health · vor 8 Jahren

Strict parents, Freedom and Depression - please help me?


Im not someone, who aks questions like this on social networks, but I dont know what to do and I will give it a try.

So I am a 16 year old girl and Im pretty mature for my age.

I do have a great life, I have a healthy family and my parents work really hard, so we do have a really wealthy lifestyle, I have good friends and a lovely boyfriend.

Anyway, Im not happy, Im not happy at all, I actually dont even know what to do, because I cant anymore.

I have strict parents, my parents think they know everything better and they just want the best for me, but they actually destroy a pretty big part of my life. Dont get me wrong, Im not a selfish person and I love my parents, but I am a person, who needs alot of freedom and I dont get that freedom. For example, I have a boyfriend and I love him, because he has an amazing charakter, but my parents hate him, FOR ABSOLUTELY NO ******* REASON.

I asked them, why, they say, Its because he looks like a homeless, he is not the one for me, they think he doesnt love me. One day, I went to my boyfriends house and we made out, so I got a love bite on my neck. We didnt had sex, I wasnt even naked. Girls my age get pregnant and Im a virgin. When my parents saw that, they COMPLETELY FLIPPED OUT and they called my boyfriend and his mom, they told him to never ever speak to me again or look at me, touch me, they yelled at him and they tried everything to keep us apart, just because of a mark on my neck.

I am 16 years old and I personally think, that thats normal, we are teenagers.

I am not allowed to be with him in one room alone and we can only meet at public places. I cant go to his house and when he is here, we have to stay in the living room with my parents.

Once I got a 1800 Dollar bill, because I call him everyday and the reason why is, because my dad told me I can call everyone, how long I want to and the price stays the same, so it doenst even was my fault because I didnt know. I cant go to partys and when I am allowed once to go to a party, than I am always the first, who has to go and Im not allowed to drink anything. Other partens care for their children too but this isnt normal anymore. I dont even have a lock for my door, because my parents dont give me privacy. They always want to read my textmessages and when Im in my room, I have to leave the door open. Theyn shout at me the hole entire day, everything I do is wrong. One time I went out with my bestfriend for shopping and I missed the bus and waited for the next bus and because I was 20 minutes to late, I wasnt allowed to go to the city the next month. From Monday to Friday, I have to stay in and learn for the school and once a week I have the rights to do something with my friends. Remember, Im 16.

They tell me everyday to clean my room and even when my room is PERFECTLY FINE and as clean as a hospital, they want me to do something with it.

In summer Im not allowed to wear shorts or skirts or short dresses. When I go to a friend of mine, I have to tell my parents, their number and their adress. Theyre acting like Im Obamas daughter.

This isnt even half of it. I really want to wear a pair of shoes and when my parents dont find that the shoe is pretty than I cant buy it. Im an atheist but they dont want me to be and they dont accept that. They always tell my that Im fat, but I have a healthy, normal weight.

I cant live this way, I had several talks with them, for hours and hours, one day we spoke 8 hours long but it didnt do ****. I got to a therapist and I have Depression and an eating disorder. I tried to kill myself two times but it didnt worked. I know, maybe this sounds hilarious to you but trust me its ******* hard and I just cant live this way anymore. I dont like my life, I cry everyday. My Dad hit me a few times, my Mom hit me like 20 times. My parents say when I tell anyone about all this problems than I am not their daughter anymore. My dad said when I am not a virgin anymore, that he will first kill me and than kill himself. And this isnt even a joke, he is dead serious. I dont now what to do anymore, honestly I am not a strong person and I struggle everyday. I want to die. Please, help me.

1 Antwort

  • vor 8 Jahren

    It looks like you have overly protective parents. They don't want you to grow up, they want you to stay forever young. Unfortunately you can't stay forever young, because you are maturing and growing older every second of your life. Having a bit of freedom at that stage in you life is crucial. You are growing up into an adult and at some point your parents have to accept that. You seem like a mature young lady and your parents would know that too. You need to talk to them about this. I'd go insane if I weren't allowed to get some space and just go out with my friends sometimes. You also need to remind them that your love life is your buissness and they are no part in it. It was extremely rude what they did and they need to be aware of how innaproprate it is not only to stick their nose into your business but also ring up your boyfriend, tell him not to see you again and yell at him! That is rude! Remind them you have rights too and that they are continuously disregarding them. Remind them that if you were having troubles with your boyfriend YOU will fix it NOT THEM! remind them that you are mature enough to know what friends to hang out with and what they would get up to at a party. Remind them that they can't do this to you for the rest of your life.

    It's about time you sit them down in the lounge room and have a talk. Tell them not to interrupt and they can only talk when you are finished. A family talk is overdue in your household.

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