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Are you dreaming of a white Easter?
What with all this cold weather, it's colder than winter. Are you looking forward to a white Easter where you could build a snow bunny?
4 Antworten
- vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
Where I live it's autumn. My childhood memories of Easter are of chasing leaves in the wind at the camping ground where we were taking advantage of the long weekend to have one last summer camping trip, we woke up on Sunday morning and ate chocolate and held a church service in the woods with other campers to remember Gods victory over sin and in raising Jesus from the dead. If we were lucky the first of the seasons ripe fejoas would have gathered below the tree by the time we got home. GOOD TIMES (:
- vor 8 Jahren
As much as I agree with Blue about Rise of the Guardians... Hell no! Every year where I live it gets super nice for the 1-2 weeks before Easter, then like the day before it get's really crappy and so the weather on Easter Sunday sucks. This year we have a 50% chance of rain that day! I want a warm, green Easter!
- vor 8 Jahren
Rise of the Guardians. if you've watched that movie and fangirled about it as much as me then the blizzard of 1968 an easter sunday would make you have a fangirl scream of joy XD