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Lv 7
Ingrid fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 8 Jahren

Is Huckabee relevant?

Is he really speaking for many when stating that his "friends" will leave the GOP if the GOP endorses gay marriage? Boy what a fine Christian he is - "love they neighbor as theyself" must be

missing in his good book.

9 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    More of the on going war, in the Republican party.. Karl Rove said, just yesterday... Sounding as if he's now in favor, of gays... Cheney has been, for a lot of years... First they want to secede from the union, now they're own party.... Go figure...

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Relevant... Not for me. I'm conservative and I've never liked the guy.

    That being said, gay marriage is just another Liberal wedge issue. They'll go onto something else to divide the parties eventually.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Yes, Huckabee still has a show. It's not like he was canceled - like Glenn Beck.

  • Huckabee has not been Relevant since he lost his Presidential bid.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    With his television show he is able to be before the public more than most politicians

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Of course he is. He didn't say he didn't like the people who are gays, he doesn't like the gay lifestyle, big difference. If I had family that were gay I wouldn't want any part of their lifestyle, I wouldn't accept it or excuse it but I'd still love them dearly.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Only in his own mind and in the minds of those who revere him.

  • vor 8 Jahren


  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren


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