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ROSA PARKS was a Republican?
she refused to give up her seat because she was a hard worker not because she was laden down with a pocket full of food stamps and section 8 vouchers COME ON DOWN HATERS Insult ROSA PARKS
4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahreni am suing a teacher at a religious school for non payment of rent he turns out to be a scary guy as in?
dr jekyll mr hyde he has left psycho voice messages and obscene texts dont religious schools have codes of ethics for teachers the man is nuts should i let an administrator at the school have access to these
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahrenif someone fails to pay their rent is that against the law?
5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahrendoes someone know how long a garnishment order is good if someone skips town they work so even if they leave?
the state as long as their ssn is out there should i be able to collect sooner or later
1 AntwortOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahreni am a waitress we get paid 1 dollar aweek on our paycheck no matter if one works 10 hours or 30?
i realize we take our credit card tips every day instead of having on check but in stub of check where it says tips reported its outraageous amounts last week i made 250 and my check said i made 700 this happens to all and i know irs is going to expect to pay taxes on money we are not making owners are not helping us who do we report this to is it fraud
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahrenif a tenant signed no lease and is on month to month they refuse to pay rent because they believe i owe them f?
improvements although there is no written agreement about how much i would take off rent for improvements and he just went psycho on me when i asked for rent i did a 3 day pay or quit and that just brought on more nut job behavior he also calls me a fraud because his central air went out and he claims i knew in advance not true plus he still had window unit and ceiling fan he told me this on day rent was due which was sat nite and i called repair man on monday he is using this air conditioner as excuse yet i found he discovered problem 2 weeks before and withheld info from me to try to with hold rent question with no lease why does he think central air is some right and can i sue for my court costswhen i serve eviction
6 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 Jahrenif i do a 3 day pay or quit in mississippi on a month to month will the deadbeat still be obliged to pay the?
rent since i got no 30 day notice also on a month to month are you allowed to charge small late
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahrenmy tenant in mississippi informed on a saturday nite his central air was not working he still has a window uni?
g he still has a window unit and 2 ceiling fans his rent is due on monday and refuses to pay cant i be allowed time to get it fixed
4 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 Jahren