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Cellulose in raw foods?

How much of the nutrition remains to be indigestible as a result of our inability to digest the cellulose in plants? Is there anyway to digest the nutrition held within cellulose?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Cellulose is the most abundant cell type on the planet, at least 1/3rd of any given plant is composed of it & it can be much much higher.

    Fungi & other decomposers can access cellulose & return nutrition back to the ground. Humans however cannot do such a thng & i'd say it'd be inefficient to use some enzyme to access the nutrition both for cost & nutrition gained

    Quelle(n): ex vegan
  • vor 8 Jahren

    First, a definiton:Cellulose provides structure and strength to the cell walls of plants and provides fiber in our diets. Although some animals, such as ruminants, can digest cellulose, humans cannot. Cellulose falls into the category of indigestible carbohydrates known as dietary fiber.

    Ruminants (cows) can and do digest fiber (think hay), but we mono stomach types just can't capture it. Food labels list it separately under carbohydrates, and many eating plans deduct the fiber from the total carb count. Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, and that is the caloric potential of fiber.

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Have you ever used Eating for Energy (120 raw food diet recipes) strategy? Move on this site : . This can undoubtedly teach people!

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