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George B fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 8 Jahren

Why doesn't a dollar today buy you as much as it did in the year 1900?

Something that cost $1 in the year 1900 now costs around $25 today..... for the every same items.

Have a look at this:

An apple is an apple and an egg is an egg, so what has happened? The answer is that our government has been spending and issuing credit far in excess of its revenue. That makes each unit of our currency worth less and businesses must therefore charge us more just to be able to restock their shelves. It looks like prices have risen when in reality they haven't. It is just the effect of monetary inflation.

Every single proposal President Obama made in his recent State of the Union address was a proposal to spend more and more.... to increase our deficit even faster. THAT will make it still harder for the average person to keep up with the cost-of-living.

All politics aside how do we get the politicians to put a stop to this insanity?


Bamster: Yep! Sure is! Any spending or issuing of credit in excess of revenue creates inflation of our monetary system and Obama has been doing just that...... and proposing still more.

14 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    Our problem is neither debt nor deficit but, more exactly, high debt interest expense plus crumbling infrastructure, chronic unemployment, potential inflation, and near-zero interest rates.

    The cure:

    1. To shrink the debt interest expense, stop auctioning bonds to finance budget deficits. This scam has redistributed trillions of dollars from middle class taxpayers to rich bond-holders.

    2. Instead, do as Lincoln and FDR and leaders of every other great nation did in their wartime crises: print the money! Two of our greatest inventors and most conservative business men, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, believed that government should create debt-free money for public projects.

    3. To end unemployment, spend the printed money heavily on much-needed infrastructure. (World War II unemployment rate was under 1 %.)

    4. When unemployed labor becomes scarce, delay the infrastructure projects and raise interest rates to prevent harmful inflation and maintain permanent prosperity.

    No more problems! Wasn’t that easy?

  • Pete
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    You are partially correct but there are other reasons. The average salary in 1900 was 438.00 a year or 8.42 a week. If you were in a building trade you got .37 an hour or 14.80 a week and a medical worker was paid 4.92 a week. An average home was 5092.00 and so on. Now people are paid so much more that prices reflect the cost of the employees and material and equipment and all that has gone up because of what the workers providing it are paid. Then too we were not buying fuel from other countries, we were relatively energy efficient back then. There are plenty of reasons to go around and wasteful government spending is definitely a part of it but not the only reason.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Sort of. Natural inflation occurs when a population grows and more printed currency is required. Also, some items have drastically increased in price (gas) because we realize today that they are valuable and limited resources, but in the early 20th Century we had no idea.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    I better answer this question George B before I pop out to work :( US FED caused a massive devaluing of our currency by selling off our gold and printing more money than we should with nothing but our "good name" to back it up - and bara Hope you find the answer you're looking for George B!

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  • vor 8 Jahren


  • Ralph
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    It's only a problem when prices go up while wages stay down. Gas cost 50 cents when I started driving in the late 70s, but I only made 2.25 an hour.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Because the minimum wage has gone up, creating the chief cause for inflation. If they raise the minimum wage again, groceries are going to be so expensive I personally will have to stop eating.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Yes but you could live on 50 cents for the whole week. Go figure

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    US FED caused a massive devaluing of our currency by selling off our gold and printing more money than we should with nothing but our "good name" to back it up - and barack insane 0bama is ruining that.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Because in the year 1900, your take home pay was $7.00 a week.


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