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siyaya fragte in Social SciencePsychology · vor 8 Jahren

Help! There's a man who's stalking me...?

There is this guy on my block who has been sending me love letters for years and he keeps ringing my best friend asking for my number. He has literally called her hundreds of times. Once he rang from a psychiatric ward and begged her to bring me there to see him.

The reason he rings my friend is that his mother had my friend's telephone number and he got it from her.

I don't know this guy, but I say 'hello' when I see him because we live on the same street, but we have never talked more than that!

Today they told me in the shop that he had been asking for me and when I came home he had sent a huge bunch of flowers and a postcard with a couple kissing each other.

What should I do?? I am scared of this guy and so is my friend.

I'd be very grateful for advice!!

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Well he surely doesn't know that he's overwhelming you by doing all the things that he is doing.

    He is infatuated, which is rendering his mind obsolete in thinking logically about the whole situation.

    Now, when you say "Hello" to him, he thinks that you like him. Some guys tend to think it that way. And if you ignore him, he'll fall for you more and more.

    Either you can ignore him completely, and he might someday realise that you don't like him the way he likes you. But then, he'll enter a phase of depression, assuming that his self-esteem is low. Which is why he fell for you in the first place. Now, if that happens, then there are two possibilities. If he continues to stay in depression without finding a way to eradicate it, he'll much likely develop very low self esteem and get detached from the world. Possibilities are addictions or other bad habits.

    But if he tries to positively fight his depression, by engrossing in work and learning skills, then he will reach a level in his life, in future years, that might make you feel regret as to why you didn't talk with this successful guy in the first place!

    I have seen both types of guys.

    I will suggest though, that you confront this situation politely. Don't be hard on him. Talk with him if he tries to talk with you, but in a detached way. He currently thinks that your life is way more interesting than his, and by attaching himself to you, he'll have an interesting life as well. So appear boring to him. He definitely would have put you on a pedestal by now, in his mind. So you kind of appear to him as an ideal mate. Tell him that he is scaring you. Ask about his life. There's a possible chance that things in his life may not be going well, and more than likely he needs some emotional support. Tell him that you don't like talking much. Don't directly tell him though that you don't like him. That will make him question his own self, which will be depressing for him.

    Go out with him, if he's really wanting that. And become his friend. Don't say though that you just want to be friends with him. :p That will depress him, and he'll think that something is wrong with HIM, rather than considering your opinion about being friend as a choice.

    You can say sorry to him, and may lie (if you don't have a boyfriend) or tell truthfully and politely that you have a boyfriend and he loves you much and you don't want to break with him. Talk with him as friend, and as someone who has a boring life, with a boring personality. :p

    You can also become clingy on him as a friend, asking boring questions and soon, it'll be him who'll wanna run away from you.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    You might be better off doing what you have been, say hello and ignore everything else, If you take any kind of legal action he might seek revenge. If you aren't married or have a boyfriend, wear a fake engagement ring, it might turn him off if he thinks you are getting married.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Try to meet him and know if he is good or not . If he is not and keeps stalking you try to report him to someone older

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