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Can anyone recommend a good maternity insurance?

My husband and I plan to get pregnant somewhen soon (I am currently not pregnant) and for that reason we would like to have maternity insurance. We have regular health insurance through my husbands work, I am only a part time employee with no benefits. My husband talked to his work, and we cannot add a maternity rider. :/

Now, what to do. Of course I do not want to pay it out of pocket, if I am already in the position to plan it, I want to make sure everything is covered, especially in case of emergency procedures that may or may not occur.

The internet has so much information on maternity insurance that I am somewhat overwhelmed, I have never dealt with this before (we lived in Germany until a couple of months ago, and had our first daughter in Germany for 'free'; before someone suggests - no we are not going back to Germany just to have a baby). Anyone know of some good reliable maternity insurance?


Thanks for the answers so far, that is very confusing though! Yes, I am under my husbands policy so is our 1st daughter. My husband talked to HR and they said no maternity rider could be added to our plan. My husband said that there are different plans out and ours is not one of them, so either we need to switch our whole health insurance or get an independent pregnancy plan (which I was looking into, therefore this question).. Im confused. We pay close to 600 USD a month for all of us for health insurance, you would think maternity would be covered or they would let you add a pregnancy rider?! Anyone knows more?!

6 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    It depends on where you live. Are you sure you're asking the right question at his employer? Because, if you asked any of our groups if you could "add a maternity rider to the plan," the answer WOULD be "no." But, if you asked if the plan "covered maternity expenses," then the answer would be "yes."

    Most group plans cover maternity expenses, but that depends on where you live. Also, there are no maternity most places. There are health insurance policies that cover maternity.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    There is no good reliable maternity insurance in the United States of America, except for what some employers (but not his) offer only to their employees

    Your only four options are:

    1. Another country. It does not have to be Germany, but it can't be the USA.

    2. Pay for everything yourselves, without using insurance.

    3. Your husband gets a job at a company that offers the coverage you want, and quits the job he has now.

    4. You (the woman) get a job at a company that offers the coverage you want and quit the part-time job.

    $600 a month for 3 of you ($200 per person) is really cheap by U.S. standards. I would not think that maternity would be covered at that price, since coverage through an employer without maternity normally costs at least $400 per person ($1200 for a family of three), and sometimes a lot more.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    You need to talk to a local agent. Most states, you can't buy stand alone maternity.

    Here in Texas you can - it costs about $325 a month, you have to buy it a minimum three months before conceiving, and it has a $5,000 deductible - you pay the first $5,000 of medical bills before the insurance starts kicking in.

    Any emergency procedure, though, like an EMERGENCY c-section, would normally still be covered by your regular health insurance.

    $600 is on the low end. Your employer is probably kicking in half towards the cost.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Getting pregnant requires preplanning, getting coverage before it is needed. Otherwise, the pregnancy can pose health risks that are not covered or financial costs that can arise unexpectedly. In this regard maternity health insurance is similar to regular health insurance: it has to be obtained before it is necessary to use it. Insurance is based on a philosophy of preplanning or prevention rather than taking care of an existing need.

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  • Your husband only needs to add you to his policy at his work. That includes maternity coverage; no "rider" is needed as it's automatically covered. As long as you are on the policy before you become pregnant, you're covered for maternity care.

    Beginning Jan 1, 2014, even if you are added after you become pregnant, you must still be covered since any bars to pre-existing conditions become illegal on that date. Also on that date, you must have health insurance coverage if you can reasonably afford it. Most commonly that would be through your employer if your employer offers health insurance or through your spouse's plan if they are covered by their employer.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Marking as interesting - you are his insurance already?

    Then your pregnancy should be covered and then the baby when born.

    Make sure of this before you look any further - ok?

    I think a mistake in communication was made.

    Ask your husband if you can call HR directly and talk to them.

    They will be glad to explain this to you.

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