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Potentially over soaked chickpeas?

So I've been rather busy and unintentionally soaked my chickpeas in water for 4 days. They're releasing this bubbly white substance atop the the water. Would death soon follow if I choose to eat them? I was so looking forward to making raw hummus...

8 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If making raw hummus or falafel I soak mine for 2-4 days, there not poisonous nor are they dangerous, it is just the protein rising to the top, rinse and use, I have soaked them for a week in the frig, normally I let them soak on the counter in a bowl, but my cat has drank the water on occasion and I just do not want furry chickpeas.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    You won't die. If you want nice humous I'd throw them as they have started to ferment.

    Pro-tip for fast soaking;

    (a) 10 minutes at full pressure in a pressure cooker with 3 times the amount of water, leave to naturally release the pressure - or

    (b) bring to the boil in a pan for 2 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 1 hour.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Rinse them, they will be fine. I would likely cook them(mainly for the monster fart potential from the raw). Obviously you were soaking them out of direct sunlight? If they were in sunlight might be a small issue, but not life threatening either way. As other people have mentioned, increased gas potential.

    Quelle(n): Chef
  • vor 8 Jahren

    Four days soaking is too much to consume them. Better throw them away as they started bubbling means emitting some gas which may be dangerous to consume.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    smell it. If if smells a little yeasty but not rotten, it's probably just some healthy bacteria - that's how rejuvelac and seed cheeses are made. Use the water to water your plants, as it's loaded with nutrients that are excellent for your plants.

  • border
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    i imagine you're meant to eat all beans cooked, till you sprout them. Sprouting beans is honestly really problem-free. All you want is a pitcher jar with a exhibit lid, the beans, and water. seem on Youtube for more effective guidelines. I surely do not imagine you receives unwell although.

  • Colin
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    Fermentation has set in and lots of washing may not fix it although a quick lacto-fermentation is sometimes used,

  • vor 8 Jahren

    No death, possibly amazing gas.

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