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Newly vegan guy here.?

After giving up sweets I attained an esoteric kind of consciousness that allowed me to realize how sickly I felt whenever I would eat sweets thereafter. Somehow that lent itself to my comsumption of meat. The malaise was less noticeable but all the same it was there. Now that I've decided to give it all up I've bought an array of colorful fruits and veggies, nuts, tubers, and seasonings and have realized I have little idea what to do with it all. I intend to follow the raw vegan lifestyle and also wish to gain muscle mass. I spend a lot of time in the gym and doing body weight exercises. Anyone with any suggestions... It's just me and my kale right now... I didn't even know about kale until yesterday. So far I'm surviving off of cashews, grapes, oranges and salads and I'm quite content.


I'm an ectomorph so I don't care if the suggestions are teeming with fat.

4 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    In order to gain muscle you need to eat protein rich foods, since you wont eat meat, your next best option would be consuming lentils and chickpeas, you can stew lentils until they are soft, mash them up, fry them in vegetable oil, and make wholesome lentil burgers from them, lentils are considered a great meat substitute that fill you up. Eat lots of spinach, which contains lots of zinc, and start eating iron rich sources of food such as Roasted Pumpkin and Squash Seeds as they contain plenty of it. Going meatless, you run the risk of iron deficiency, so eat lots of pumpkins.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Quinoa with raw pecan pesto and sundried tomatoes is a delicious dish with 26 grams of protein. Quinoa itself is a complete-protein pseudograin (seed that is eaten like a grain). You make the pesto by pureeing kale, basil, pecans, nutritional yeast, garlic, salt, and pepper until creamy. Scoop on top of cooked quinoa and top with sundried tomatoes.

    You should snack on plenty of nuts and seeds throughout the day, as they are loaded with fats and proteins. Make sure you have one of more of the following at every meal: nut, seed, bean or other legume, grain if you use one of the previous (combines with previous suggestions to make a complete protein) soy product, quinoa, amaranth, or hemp (the last four are complete proteins and do not need to be combined with anything. Nutritional yeast is also a complete protein). You might want to consider getting a vegan protein powder to gain muscle mass - perhaps some powdered hemp protein?

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    i'm 14 too. i'm a vegetarian. i understand some animals are tortured, yet at your community food market (Sobeys, IGA, Metro) you will get loose selection, organic and organic eggs, which means the chickens weren't cooped up and weren't shoved with drugs and have been fed solid nutrition like greens. (same is going for milk and cheeses) you need to truly evaluate buying those, or it is going to be extremely complicated for you. additionally, think of approximately it - you will no longer have the means to consume breads, except they're vegan. you will no longer have the means to consume cereal, except you have Almond Milk. (this is extremely tasty, truthfully) besides, what i'm asserting is i'm a similar age - and that i stand for each little thing PETA says and animal rights. yet there are extra effective alternatives then Veganism. do no longer do it yet, no longer at our age a minimum of. you desire some dairy and eggs. How approximately only reducing? i do no longer understand approximately you, yet every time i bypass to a acquaintances i believe so undesirable via fact the mom and dad ought to bypass out of a thank you to make me some thing distinctive. i do no longer decide to consume meat- so i do no longer end them. yet think of how complicated that is going to likely be to have a sleepover and not have the means to have toast interior the morning? How approximately you only be a vegan, yet once you ever bypass to a acquaintances - you're making that ONE exception to have cereal that day. so which you would be able to get some dairy. As on your shoes, do no longer enable that animal go through for no reason, and throw those shoes interior the rubbish. do no longer purchase yet another leather-based pair ever lower back, yet that animal suffered and you need to make a use of it, particularly than throwing it aside. I agree, get a sparkling pair. once you desire them and whilst that animal replaced into sacrificed for solid being. i do no longer placed on leather-based or fur the two, yet whilst i locate out some thing like that, or that makeup has been examined on. i take advantage of it up, and then in no way purchase it lower back.

  • vor 8 Jahren

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    I can get loads of different advice from raw vegans (including bodybuilders) to help you. ^.^

    But I'm burnt out on typin long answers on here for the night. :/

    Quelle(n): vegan with over 350 vegan friends
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