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jdman13 fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

Why did Biden tell such obvious lies in the debate?

I can understand lies about the affects of certain legislature on the future of the country, these are hard to disprove. "This study this, that study that".

But to tell lies that are of history is beyond stupid.

"You know, I heard that death panel argument from Sarah Palin. It seems that every vice presidential debate, I hear this kind of stuff about panels." ----Biden

Obamacare was NEVER discussed, nor were death panels, in the Sarah Palin/Biden debate. It hadn't even been proposed. What, could the idiot not figure out a good way to throw that up without an obvious lie???

Then he says he voted against all that, that being medicare D, tax cuts, AND THE WARS. Well, he was right on the first two, BUT HE DID VOTE FOR THE WARS. DID HE THINK WE WERE TOO DUMB TO FIND THAT OUT????

9 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Of course Obamacare was not discussed. It didn't exist yet. But Sarah Palin was definitely talking about death panels. I guess you forgot.

    As for the "all that" I don't think you are correct in what you include in that "all that".

  • Tom R
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    liberal here. funny that you condemn biden and at the same time mention one of the worse lies that the gop use. the death panels argument. mitt mentioned panels in his debate and bidens performance was refuting most of what mitt said. did biden miss some facts sure. i think its more misunderstanding or not remembering but calling his an idiot in light of the clown party the gop have is missing the short bus. sarah palin ? i would also point out that mitt is either lying to the gop or to us. he denied the tax cut for the rich. does mitt actually have a firm position on anything

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Democrats seem to think if you lie with a smile on your face, its ok. I felt Biden not only mocked Ryan, he mocked everyone watching the debate. I could hardly stand to watch.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    He can't help himself. He's a jackass. Those who pay attention know that this guy is a walking gaffe machine. Nothing he says can be taken seriously. Even the Dems, when asked about all his embarrassing remarks, have no credible defense. They just dismiss it with 3 words "that's just Joe."

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    I'd refer you to It lists the misstatements by both VP candidates.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The Obama administration has been nothing but ONE BIG LIE!!!


  • Because he was trained to debate by Obama.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Because he is a politician. They all lie.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    We hear what we want to hear...

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