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do they sell beer at Cutting Edge Haunted House in Ft Worth?
I'm planning on going on oct 18th and my husband wants to know if they have beer.
2 AntwortenHalloweenvor 8 JahrenIs this really possible?
My husband took a job out of town over a year ago. He only comes home every 3 months or so for a day ot two at a time. We have been married 19 years and he swears he loves me and would never cheat on me. Do you think it is possible for a man to only have sex 4-6 times a year or should I go with my gut feeling and leave his cheating a**?
5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 8 JahrenBleeding a lot after missed period?
I'm 46 and skipped my period last month. I just figured that I was starting early menopause (like my mother did). But this morning I began my period and didn't think anything of it. But since 6 this morning I have been soaking a super tampon every hour (sorry to be so graphic). I have used 5 tampons in 4-1/2 hours. Is this normal? Should I go to the doctor or should I wait and see if it slows down?
1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 9 JahrenWhy do some people put ? on here just to report all the answers?
I've come across several people on here that post questions just to report everyone who answers their questions as violators. Are people really that shallow? Why would you ask a question if you don't want people to answer you honestly?
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenI want honest answers - do you like my name?
I would like to know what you think about my name - Koni (ko nee). Do you like it or not? Why or why not?
6 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 JahrenDo you report insulting people on Yahoo Answers?
I don't mean people who just disagree with you, but those mean people who just surf around calling other people names. And why do you think they do it? PLEASE report these people and maybe we can get some of them off of here!
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenCan your tubes grow back together?
I had my tubes tied after my second child (16 years ago). Is it possible for my tubes to grow back together again?
1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 9 JahrenHome remedies for a sty?
I have a sty that has almost made my eye swell shut. I have tried ice but even though it makes it feel better it does nothing for the swelling. My husband comes home Friday night for two days and I don't want him to see me like this. It looks horrible! Any ideas what I can try?
1 AntwortFirst Aidvor 9 JahrenWhich name do you like better?
Syleca (sa lee sa) or Portia (poor sha)
8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 JahrenWhite spots on large maple tree?
I have a very large maple tree (20+ years) that has developed white spots on one large branch. The branch with the spots is dying but the other branches around it are fine. The dying branch does have some new sprouts but most of the leaves are dead or dying. Any idea what this could be? Is there any way I can treat it?
1 AntwortBotanyvor 9 JahrenWho was the 18th president?
4 AntwortenHistoryvor 9 JahrenWhat do these words have in common? (My daughter's homework) Chute, Graph, Mount, Pet, Phrase, Site, Trooper
My daughter thinks it may be army related things...what do you think?
2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 2 Jahrzehnten